
Bayesian optimization with expensive integrands. (English) Zbl 07510409

Summary: Nonconvex derivative-free time-consuming objectives are often optimized using “black-box” optimization. These approaches assume very little about the objective. While broadly applicable, they typically require more evaluations than methods exploiting more problem structure. Often, such time-consuming objectives are actually the sum or integral of a larger number of functions, each of which consumes significant time when evaluated individually. This arises in designing aircraft, choosing parameters in ride-sharing dispatch systems, and tuning hyperparameters in deep neural networks. We develop a novel Bayesian optimization algorithm that leverages this structure to improve performance. Our algorithm is average-case optimal by construction when a single evaluation of the integrand remains within our evaluation budget. Achieving this one-step optimality requires solving a challenging value of information optimization problem, for which we provide a novel efficient discretization-free computational method. We also prove consistency for our method in both continuum and discrete finite domains for objective functions that are sums. In numerical experiments comparing against previous state-of-the-art methods, including those that also leverage sum or integral structure, our method performs as well or better across a wide range of problems and offers significant improvements when evaluations are noisy or the integrand varies smoothly in the integrated variables.


62F15 Bayesian inference
62K99 Design of statistical experiments
62L05 Sequential statistical design
62F07 Statistical ranking and selection procedures


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