
Nonexistence of marginally trapped surfaces and geons in \(2 + 1\) gravity. (English) Zbl 1252.83011

Summary: We use existence results for Jang’s equation and marginally outer trapped surfaces (MOTSs) in \(2 + 1\) gravity to obtain nonexistence of geons in \(2 + 1\) gravity. In particular, our results show that any \(2 + 1\) initial data set, which obeys the dominant energy condition with cosmological constant \(\Lambda \geq 0\) and which satisfies a mild asymptotic condition, must have trivial topology. Moreover, any data set obeying these conditions cannot contain a MOTS. The asymptotic condition involves a cutoff at a finite boundary at which a null mean convexity condition is assumed to hold; this null mean convexity condition is satisfied by all the standard asymptotic boundary conditions. The results presented here strengthen various aspects of previous related results in the literature. These results not only have implications for classical \(2 + 1\) gravity but also apply to quantum \(2 + 1\) gravity when formulated using Witten’s solution space quantization.


83C05 Einstein’s equations (general structure, canonical formalism, Cauchy problems)
83C80 Analogues of general relativity in lower dimensions
83C25 Approximation procedures, weak fields in general relativity and gravitational theory
53Z05 Applications of differential geometry to physics
83C57 Black holes
83C75 Space-time singularities, cosmic censorship, etc.


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