
Group analysis of free convection flow of a magnetic nanofluid with chemical reaction. (English) Zbl 1394.76140

Summary: A theoretical study of two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics viscous incompressible free convective boundary layer flow of an electrically conducting, chemically reacting nanofluid from a convectively heated permeable vertical surface is presented. Scaling group of transformations is used in the governing equations and the boundary conditions to determine absolute invariants. A third-order ordinary differential equation which corresponds to momentum conservation and two second-order ordinary differential equations which correspond to energy and nanoparticle volume fraction (species) conservation are derived. Our (group) analysis indicates that, for the similarity solution, the convective heat transfer coefficient and mass transfer velocity are proportional to \(x^{- 1 / 4}\) whilst the reaction rate is proportional to \(x^{- 1 / 2}\), where \(x\) is the axial distance from the leading edge of the plate. The effects of the relevant controlling parameters on the dimensionless velocity, temperature, and nanoparticle volume fraction are examined. The accuracy of the technique we have used was tested by performing comparisons with the results of published work and the results were found to be in good agreement. The present computations indicate that the flow is accelerated and temperature enhanced whereas nanoparticle volume fractions are decreased with increasing order of chemical reaction. Furthermore the flow is strongly decelerated, whereas the nanoparticle volume fraction and temperature are enhanced with increasing magnetic field parameter. Increasing convection-conduction parameter increases velocity and temperatures but has a weak influence on nanoparticle volume fraction distribution. The present study demonstrates the thermal enhancement achieved with nanofluids and also magnetic fields and is of relevance to nanomaterials processing.


76T20 Suspensions
76W05 Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics
76V05 Reaction effects in flows
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