
Enclosing the behavior of a hybrid automaton up to and beyond a Zeno point. (English) Zbl 1336.93085

Summary: Even simple hybrid automata like the classic bouncing ball can exhibit Zeno behavior. The existence of this type of behavior has so far forced a large class of simulators to either ignore some events or risk looping indefinitely. This in turn forces modelers to either insert ad-hoc restrictions to circumvent Zeno behavior or to abandon hybrid automata. To address this problem, we take a fresh look at event detection and localization. A key insight that emerges from this investigation is that an enclosure for a given time interval can be valid independent of the occurrence of a given event. Such an event can then even occur an unbounded number of times. This insight makes it possible to handle some types of Zeno behavior. If the post-Zeno state is defined explicitly in the given model of the hybrid automaton, the computed enclosure covers the corresponding trajectory that starts from the Zeno point through a restarted evolution.


93C30 Control/observation systems governed by functional relations other than differential equations (such as hybrid and switching systems)
93B40 Computational methods in systems theory (MSC2010)
37N35 Dynamical systems in control


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