
ASP and subset minimality: enumeration, cautious reasoning and MUSes. (English) Zbl 07702961

Summary: Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a well-known logic-based formalism that has been used to model and solve a variety of AI problems. For several years, ASP implementations primarily focused on the main computational task: the computation of one answer set of a (logic) program. Nonetheless, several AI problems, that can be conveniently modelled in ASP, require to enumerate solutions characterized by an optimality property that can be expressed in terms of subset-minimality with respect to some objective atoms. In this context, solutions are often either (i) answer sets that are subset-minimal w.r.t. the objective atoms or (ii) atoms that are contained in all subset-minimal answer sets, or (iii) sets of atoms that enforce the absence of answer sets on the ASP program at hand – such sets are referred to as minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MUSes). In all the above-mentioned cases, the corresponding computational task is currently not supported by plain state-of-the-art ASP solvers. In this paper, we study formally these tasks and fill the gap in current implementations by proposing several algorithms to enumerate MUSes and subset-minimal answer sets, as well as perform cautious reasoning on subset-minimal answer sets. We implement our algorithms on top of wasp and perform an experimental analysis on several hard benchmarks showing the good performance of our implementation.


68Txx Artificial intelligence


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