
On the homogeneous algebraic graphs of large girth and their applications. (English) Zbl 1156.05028

Summary: Families of finite graphs of large girth were introduced in classical extremal graph theory. One important theoretical result here is the upper bound on the maximal size of the graph with girth \(\geqslant 2d\) established in Even Circuit Theorem by P. Erdös. We consider some results on such algebraic graphs over any field. The upper bound on the dimension of variety of edges for algebraic graphs of girth \(\geqslant 2d\) is established. Getting the lower bound, we use the family of bipartite graphs \(D(n,K)\) with \(n\geqslant 2\) over a field \(K\), whose partition sets are two copies of the vector space \(K^n\). We consider the problem of constructing homogeneous algebraic graphs with a prescribed girth and formulate some problems motivated by classical extremal graph theory. Finally, we present a very short survey on applications of finite homogeneous algebraic graphs to coding theory and cryptography.


05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
14Q15 Computational aspects of higher-dimensional varieties
05D99 Extremal combinatorics
05C90 Applications of graph theory
15A63 Quadratic and bilinear forms, inner products
81P68 Quantum computation
94A60 Cryptography
68Q99 Theory of computing


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