
Axiomatizability of propositionally quantified modal logics on relational frames. (English) Zbl 07854638

Summary: Propositional modal logic over relational frames is naturally extended with propositional quantifiers by letting them range over arbitrary sets of worlds of the relevant frame. This is also known as second-order propositional modal logic. The propositionally quantified modal logic of a class of relational frames is often not axiomatizable, although there are known exceptions, most notably the case of frames validating the strong modal logic \(\text{S5} \). Here, we develop new general methods with which many of the open questions in this area can be answered. We illustrate the usefulness of these methods by applying them to a range of examples, which provide a detailed picture of which normal modal logics define classes of relational frames whose propositionally quantified modal logic is axiomatizable. We also apply these methods to establish new results in the multimodal case.


03B16 Higher-order logic
03B25 Decidability of theories and sets of sentences
03B45 Modal logic (including the logic of norms)


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