
Equipartitions of measures in \(\mathbb{R}^4\). (English) Zbl 1202.68454

Summary: A well-known problem of B. Grünbaum [“Partitions of mass-distributions and of convex bodies by hyperplanes,” Pac. J. Math. 10, 1257–1261 (1960; Zbl 0101.14603)] asks whether for every continuous mass distribution (measure) \( d\mu = f\, dm\) on \( \mathbb{R}^n\) there exist \( n\) hyperplanes dividing \( \mathbb{R}^n\) into \(2^n\) parts of equal measure. It is known that the answer is positive in dimension \(n=3\) (see H. Hadwiger [“Simultane Vierteilung zweier Körper,”Arch. Math. 17, 274–278 (1966; Zbl 0137.41501)]) and negative for \( n\geq 5\) (see D. Avis [“Non-partitionable point sets,” Inf. Process. Lett. 19, 125–129 (1985; Zbl 0564.51007)] and E. Ramos [“Equipartition of mass distributions by hyperplanes,” Discrete Comput. Geom. 15, No.2, 147–167(1996; Zbl 0843.68120)]). We give a partial solution to Grünbaum’s problem in the critical dimension \( n=4\) by proving that each measure \( \mu\) in \( \mathbb{R}^4\) admits an equipartition by 4 hyperplanes, provided that it is symmetric with respect to a 2-dimensional affine subspace \( L\) of \( \mathbb{R}^4\). Moreover we show, by computing the complete obstruction in the relevant group of normal bordisms, that without the symmetry condition, a naturally associated topological problem has a negative solution. The computation is based on Koschorke’s exact singularity sequence (1981) and the remarkable properties of the essentially unique, balanced binary Gray code in dimension 4; see G. C. Tootill (1956) and D. E. Knuth (2001).


68U05 Computer graphics; computational geometry (digital and algorithmic aspects)
68U10 Computing methodologies for image processing
14E20 Coverings in algebraic geometry
46E25 Rings and algebras of continuous, differentiable or analytic functions
20C20 Modular representations and characters


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