
Algebraic intermediate hyperbolicities. (English) Zbl 1511.32021

Summary: We extend Lang’s conjectures to the setting of intermediate hyperbolicity and prove two new results motivated by these conjectures. More precisely, we first extend the notion of algebraic hyperbolicity (originally introduced by Demailly) to the setting of intermediate hyperbolicity and show that this property holds if the appropriate exterior power of the cotangent bundle is ample. Then, we prove that this intermediate algebraic hyperbolicity implies the finiteness of the group of birational automorphisms and of the set of surjective maps from a given projective variety. Our work answers the algebraic analogue of a question of Kobayashi on analytic hyperbolicity.


32Q45 Hyperbolic and Kobayashi hyperbolic manifolds
14E07 Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations
14J60 Vector bundles on surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, and their moduli
14G99 Arithmetic problems in algebraic geometry; Diophantine geometry
11G35 Varieties over global fields
14G05 Rational points


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