
General solutions of transversely isotropic multilayered media subjected to rectangular time-harmonic or moving loads. (English) Zbl 1481.74055

Summary: This paper presents the general solutions of three-dimensional transversely isotropic multilayered media subjected to a vertical or horizontal rectangular dynamic load by utilizing the analytical layer-element method, and the solutions can be used for both time-harmonic loads and moving ones. Based on the governing equations and constitutive equations of a transversely isotropic elastic body, the analytical layer-element solutions of a single medium layer are derived in the Fourier transformed domain by utilizing the double Fourier integral transform. Taking the continuity conditions between adjacent layer and boundary conditions into account, the global stiffness matrix can be obtained by assembling the interrelated layer elements. The final solutions in the frequency domain are recovered by the inversion of double Fourier integral transform. Numerical examples are given to study the influence of the transversely isotropic character, frequency of load excitation, stratification and the first layer’s thickness when the media are subjected to a time-harmonic load, and the influence of the load speed as well as the load depth when the media are subjected to a moving constant load, respectively.


74A50 Structured surfaces and interfaces, coexistent phases
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