
The complete unitary dual of non-compact Lie superalgebra \(\mathfrak{su}(p,q|m)\) via the generalised oscillator formalism, and non-compact Young diagrams. (English) Zbl 1464.17013

Summary: We study the unitary representations of the non-compact real forms of the complex Lie superalgebra \(\mathfrak{sl}(n|m)\). Among them, only the real form \(\mathfrak{su}(p, q|m)\) with \((p+ q= n)\) admits nontrivial unitary representations, and all such representations are of the highest-weight type (or the lowest-weight type). We extend the standard oscillator construction of the unitary representations of non-compact Lie superalgebras over standard Fock spaces to generalised Fock spaces which allows us to define the action of oscillator determinants raised to non-integer powers. We prove that the proposed construction yields all the unitary representations including those with continuous labels. The unitary representations can be diagrammatically represented by non-compact Young diagrams. We apply our general results to the physically important case of four-dimensional conformal superalgebra \({\mathfrak{su}(2,2|4)}\) and show how it yields readily its unitary representations including those corresponding to supermultiplets of conformal fields with continuous (anomalous) scaling dimensions.


17B10 Representations of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras, algebraic theory (weights)
17B81 Applications of Lie (super)algebras to physics, etc.
22E65 Infinite-dimensional Lie groups and their Lie algebras: general properties
22E70 Applications of Lie groups to the sciences; explicit representations


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