
\(\mathcal {E}_\infty \) ring spectra and elements of Hopf invariant 1. (English) Zbl 1401.55010

In this paper, the author constructs and studies a family of \(2\)-local \(E_{\infty}\) Thom spectra \(M_{j_1}, M_{j_2}, M_{j_3}\). They are shown to be equivalent to reduced free commutative \(S\)-algebras on certain CW-spectra built by attaching cells along Hopf invariant \(1\) elements. It is pointed out that the latter CW-spectra also appear in work of M. Behrens et al. [“On the ring of cooperations for 2-primary connective topological modular forms”, Preprint, arXiv:1501.01050]. The author’s computation of the homology of these Thom spectra as \(\mathcal A_*\)-comodule algebras motivates his conjecture that \(M{j_2}\) is a wedge of \(kO\)-module spectra and that \(M_{j_3}\) is a wedge of \(\text{tmf}\)-module spectra.


55P43 Spectra with additional structure (\(E_\infty\), \(A_\infty\), ring spectra, etc.)
55P42 Stable homotopy theory, spectra


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