
Conelike radiant structures. (English) Zbl 1527.53011

Summary: Analogues of the classical affine-projective correspondence are developed in the context of statistical manifolds compatible with a radiant vector field. These utilize a formulation of Einstein equations for special statistical structures that generalizes the usual Einstein equations for pseudo-Riemannian metrics and is of independent interest. A conelike radiant structure is a not necessarily flat affine connection equipped with a family of surfaces that behave like the intersections of the planes through the origin with a convex cone in a real vector space. A radiant structure is a torsion-free affine connection and a vector field whose covariant derivative is the identity endomorphism. A radiant structure is conelike if for every point and every two-dimensional subspace containing the radiant vector field there is a totally geodesic surface passing through the point and tangent to the subspace. Such structures exist on the total space of any principal bundle with one-dimensional fiber and on any Lie group with a quadratic structure on its Lie algebra. The affine connection of a conelike radiant structure can be normalized in a canonical way to have antisymmetric Ricci tensor. Applied to a conelike radiant structure on the total space of a principal bundle with one-dimensional fiber this yields a generalization of the classical Thomas connection of a projective structure. The compatibility of radiant and conelike structures with metrics is investigated and yields a construction of connections for which the symmetrized Ricci curvature is a constant multiple of a compatible metric that generalizes well-known constructions of Riemannian and Lorentzian Einstein-Weyl structures over Kähler-Einstein manifolds having nonzero scalar curvature. A formulation of Einstein equations for special statistical manifolds is given that generalizes the Einstein-Weyl equations and encompasses these more general examples. There are constructed left-invariant conelike radiant structures on a Lie group endowed with a left-invariant nondegenerate bilinear form, and the case of three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups is described in detail.


53A40 Other special differential geometries
53A15 Affine differential geometry
53A20 Projective differential geometry


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