
Current research on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. (English) Zbl 1497.03067

This is “a comprehensive survey paper for the current state-of-art” in the researches on Gödel’s first and second incompleteness theorems, that the author felt “is missing from the literature. […] The motivation of this paper is four-fold:
Give the reader an overview of the current state-of-art of research on incompleteness.
Classify these new advances on incompleteness under some important themes.
Propose some new questions not covered in the literature.
Set the direction for the future research of incompleteness.

[…] Due to space limitations and our personal taste, it is impossible to cover all research results from the literature related to incompleteness in this survey. Therefore, we will focus on three aspects of new advances in research on incompleteness:
classifications of different proofs of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems;
the limit of the applicability of G1 [Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem];
the limit of the applicability of G2 [Gödel’s second incompleteness theorem].

[…] An important and interesting topic concerning incompleteness is missing in this paper: philosophy of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems. For us, the widely discussed and most important philosophical questions about Gödel’s incompleteness theorems are: the relationship between G1 and the mechanism thesis, the status of Gödel’s disjunctive thesis, and the intensionality problem of G2. We leave a survey of philosophical discussions of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems for a future philosophy paper.”
It should be noted that the research on the field surveyed in this expository article is live and very active. The author classified “different proofs of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems […] using the following criteria:
proof-theoretic proof;
recursion-theoretic proof;
model-theoretic proof;
proof via arithmetization;
proof via the Diagnolisation Lemma;
proof based on ‘logical paradox’;
constructive proof;
proof having the Rosser property;
the independent sentence has natural and real mathematical content.

[…] However, these aspects are not exclusive: a proof of G1 or G2 may satisfy several of the above criteria.”
The reader should be warned about the following minor errors:
(p. 132): The Kolmogorov complexity of a number \(n\) is the size of {\em the shortest} programs which generates \(n\) (not “the size of a program which generates \(n\)”).
(p. 139): The notion of a homogeneous set is not defined in the paper.
(p. 142): \(\Gamma^d\), where \(\Gamma\) denotes either \(\Sigma_n^0\) or \(\Pi_n^0\) for some \(n\geq 1\), is the {\em dual} of \(\Gamma\); so if \(\Gamma=\Sigma_n^0\) then \(\Gamma^d=\Pi_n^0\), and if \(\Gamma=\Pi_n^0\) then \(\Gamma^d=\Sigma_n^0\).
(p. 142): No reference is given for Fact 4.3, or for Solovay’s result before that.
(p. 147): “Up to now” means {\em until that stage in the paper} (and not in the state-of-art of the results); as the author mentions E. Jeřábek’s results afterwards (though without citing the reference [J. Math. Log. 20, No. 1, Article ID 2050002, 52 p. (2020; Zbl 1484.03126)]).
(p. 162): In reference [31] the name H. B. Enderton should be R. L. Epstein.
This interesting paper contains some exciting open problems scattered throughout the text:
(p. 130): “As far as we know, at present there is no convincing essentially self-reference-free proofs of either G2 or of Tarski’s Theorem of the Undefinability of Truth.”
(p. 138): “An interesting open question is: whether there is a standard proof predicate [like \(\mathbf{Prf}_T(u,v)\) expressing that ‘\(v\) is a \(T\)-proof of \(u\)’] such that \(Y^R(\overline{n})\) and \(Y^R(\overline{n+1})\) are not provably equivalent for some \(n\in\mathbb{N}\)”, where \(Y^R(x)\) is a Rosser-type Yablo formula of \(\mathbf{Prf}_T\), i.e., \(\mathbf{PA}\vdash\forall x \big[Y^R(x)\leftrightarrow \forall y>x\neg\mathbf{Pr}_T^R(\ulcorner Y^R(\dot{y})\urcorner)\big]\) in which \(\mathbf{Pr}_T^R(x)=\exists y[\mathbf{Prf}_T(x,y)\wedge\forall z\leq y\neg\mathbf{Prf}_T(\dot{\neg}x,z)]\).
(p. 147): Let \(\lhd\) denote strict interpretability (\(S\lhd T\) iff “\(T\) interprets \(S\), but \(S\) does not interpret \(T\)”) and \(\mathsf{ D}\) be the set of theories for which \(\mathsf{G1}\) holds and are strictly interpretable in Robinson’s arithmetic \(\mathbf{R}\).
“Question 4.15.
Is \(\langle\mathsf{D},\lhd\rangle\) well-founded?
Are any two elements of \(\langle\mathsf{D},\lhd\rangle\) comparable?
Does there exist a minimal theory w.r.t. interpretation such that \(\mathsf{G1}\) holds for it?”

(p. 155): “[C]haracterizing the consistency of infinitely axiomatized r.e. theories is […] a big open problem”.
(p. 159): “[T]he exact axiomatization of the provability logic \(\mathbf{PL}_\pi(T)\) under Feferman’s numeration \(\pi(x)\) is not known.”
I wholeheartedly recommend studying this survey to all logicians and philosophers.


03F40 Gödel numberings and issues of incompleteness
03F30 First-order arithmetic and fragments
03-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to mathematical logic and foundations


Zbl 1484.03126


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