
Konstantin Igorevich Beidar (1951-2004). (English. Russian original) Zbl 1151.01321

J. Math. Sci., New York 149, No. 2, 1039-1046 (2008); translation from Fundam. Prikl. Mat. 12, No. 2, 3-15 (2006).


01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies



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Beidar, Konstantin Igorevich
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[1] K. I. Beidar, ”The ring of invariants under the action of a finite group of automorphisms of a ring,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 32, No. 1 (193), 159–160 (1977). · Zbl 0344.16024
[2] K. I. Beidar and V. D. Ten, ”On the local finiteness of some PI-algebras,” Sib. Mat. Zh., 18, No. 4, 934–938 (1977). · Zbl 0362.16008
[3] K. I. Beidar, ”Rings with generalized identities. I,” Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 1 Mat. Mekh., No. 2, 19–26 (1977). · Zbl 0363.16012
[4] K. I. Beidar, ”Rings with generalized identities. II,” Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 1 Mat. Mekh., No. 3, 30–37 (1977). · Zbl 0363.16013
[5] K. I. Beidar, ”Semiprime rings with a generalized identity,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 32, No. 4 (196), 249–250 (1977). · Zbl 0363.16014
[6] K. I. Beidar, ”Rings with generalized identities. III,” Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 1 Mat. Mekh., No. 4, 66–73 (1978). · Zbl 0402.16004
[7] K. I. Beidar, ”Quotient rings of semiprime rings,” Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 1 Mat. Mekh., No. 5, 36–43 (1978). · Zbl 0403.16003
[8] K. I. Beidar, ”Classical rings of quotients of PI-algebras,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 33, No. 6 (204), 197–198 (1978). · Zbl 0399.16011
[9] K. I. Beidar, ”Associative rings and finite groups of automorphisms,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 4, 33–44 (1978). · Zbl 0416.16012
[10] K. I. Beidar, A. V. Mikhalev, and K. Salavova, ”Generalized identities and semiprime rings with involution,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 35, No. 1 (211), 222 (1980). · Zbl 0456.16021
[11] K. I. Beidar, ”Rings with generalized identities. IV,” Vestn. Mosk. Univ. Ser. 1 Mat. Mekh., No. 4, 3–6 (1980). · Zbl 0463.16006
[12] K. I. Beidar, ”Modules over commutative semiprime rings,” Mat. Zametki, 29, No. 1, 15–18 (1981). · Zbl 0457.13002
[13] K. I. Beidar, A. V. Mikhalev, and K. Salavova, ”Generalized identities and semiprime rings with involution,” Math. Z., 178, No. 1, 37–62 (1981). · Zbl 0471.16008 · doi:10.1007/BF01218370
[14] K. I. Beidar, ”Idempotents in rings with a polynomial identity,” Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin., 22, No. 4, 755–759 (1981). · Zbl 0506.16012
[15] K. I. Beidar, ”Radicals of finitely generated algebras,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 36, No. 6 (222), 203–204 (1981). · Zbl 0482.16008
[16] K. I. Beidar, ”A chain of Kurosh may have an arbitrary finite length,” Czech. Math. J., 32 (107), No. 3, 418–422 (1982). · Zbl 0503.16005
[17] K. I. Beidar and K. Salavova, ”Some examples of supernilpotent nonspecial radicals,” Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 40, No. 1–2, 109–112 (1982). · doi:10.1007/BF01897308
[18] K. I. Beidar and K. Salavova, ”The lattices of N-radicals, left strong radicals, and left hereditary radicals,” Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 42, No. 1–2, 81–95 (1983). · Zbl 0476.16006
[19] K. I. Beidar, V. N. Latyshev, V. T. Markov, A. V. Mikhalev, L. A. Skornyakov, and A. A. Tuganbaev, Associative rings, J. Sov. Math., 38, 1855–1929 (1987). · Zbl 0621.16001 · doi:10.1007/BF01093433
[20] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Orthogonal completeness and minimal prime ideals,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 10, 227–234 (1984). · Zbl 0569.16011
[21] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Orthogonal completeness and algebraic systems,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 40, No. 6 (246), 79–115 (1985). · Zbl 0603.06003
[22] K. I. Beidar, ”Atoms in the ”lattice” of radicals,” in: Algebras, Rings, and Topologies, Ştiinţe, Kishinev (1985), pp. 21–31. · Zbl 0596.16004
[23] K. I. Beidar, ”Examples of rings and radicals,” in: Radical Theory (Eger, 1982), Collect. Math. Soc. János Bolyai; Vol. 38, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1985), pp. 19–46.
[24] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Uniform boundedness almost everywhere for orthogonally complete algebraic systems,” Visnik Kiev. Univ. Ser. Mat. Mekh., No. 27, 15–17 (1985).
[25] K. I. Beidar, ”On A. I. Mal’tsev’s theorems on matrix representations of algebras,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 41, No. 5 (251), 161–162 (1986).
[26] K. I. Beidar, A. V. Mikhalev, and A. M. Slin’ko, ”A primality criterion for nondegenerate alternative and Jordan algebras,” Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obshch., 50, 130–137 (1987).
[27] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”The structure of nondegenerate alternative algebras,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 12, 59–74 (1987). · Zbl 0653.17015
[28] K. I. Beidar and A. A. Stolin, ”The Picard group of a projective limit of rings,” in: Operators in Function Spaces and Problems in Function Theory, Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1987), pp. 126–131. · Zbl 0671.13008
[29] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Semiprime rings with bounded indexes of nilpotent elements,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 13, 237–249 (1988). · Zbl 0682.16004
[30] K. I. Beidar, ”Semisimple classes of algebras and the lower radical,” Mat. Issled., No. 105. (1988), 13–29. · Zbl 0683.17004
[31] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Additive continuation of derivations of multiplicative semigroups,” in: Mechanics and Applied Mathematics [in Russian], Priok. Knizhn. Izdat., Tula (1988), pp. 112–114.
[32] K. I. Beidar and K. Salavova, ”A class of rings with an essential right socle,” Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 53, No. 1–2, 55–59 (1989). · Zbl 0681.16018
[33] K. I. Beidar, ”The intersection property for radicals,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 44, No. 1 (265), 187–188 (1989). · Zbl 0678.16004
[34] K. I. Beidar, S. T. Glavatskii, and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Semisimple classes and lower radicals of topological nonassociative algebras,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 14, 250–261 (1989). · Zbl 0699.17005
[35] K. I. Beidar, S. T. Glavatskii, and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Varieties of topological-groups,” Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 6, 40–42 (1989). · Zbl 0681.22001
[36] K. I. Beidar and K. Salavova, ”Additive radicals,” Czech. Math. J., 39 (114), No. 4, 659–673 (1989). · Zbl 0697.16006
[37] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Generalized Goldie rings. I, II,” in: Abelian Groups and Modules, No. 8, Tomsk. Gos. Univ., Tomsk (1989), 17–34, 35–53.
[38] K. I. Beidar, ”The Andrunakievich lemma and Jordan algebras,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 45, No. 4 (274), 137–138 (1990). · Zbl 0722.17027
[39] K. I. Beidar, and K. Trokanova-Salavova, ”On nil rings satisfying minimum condition on principal right ideals,” Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 55, No. 3–4, 197–200 (1990). · Zbl 0718.16012
[40] K. I. Beidar and R. Wiegandt, ”Splitting theorems for nonassociative rings,” Publ. Math. Debrecen, 38, No. 1–2, 121–143 (1991). · Zbl 0726.17003
[41] V. I. Arnautov, K. I. Beidar, S. T. Glavatskii, and A. V. Mikhalev, ”The intersection property in the theory of radicals of topological algebras,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 15, 178–188 (1991). · Zbl 0784.16026
[42] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”On Mal’cev’s theorem on elementary equivalence of linear groups,” in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Algebra (Novosibirsk, 1989), Part 1, Contemp. Math., 131, Part 1, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence (1992), pp. 29–35. · Zbl 0796.20037
[43] V. I. Arnautov, K. I. Beidar, S. T. Glavatsky, and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Intersection property in the radical theory of topological algebras,” in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Algebra (Novosibirsk, 1989), Part 2, Contemp. Math., 131, Part 2, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence (1992), pp. 205–225. · Zbl 0767.16017
[44] K. I. Beidar and R. Wisbauer, ”Strictly semiprime modules and rings,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 48, No. 1 (289), 161–162 (1993). · Zbl 0811.16016
[45] K. I. Beidar and R. Wiegandt, ”Rings with involution and chain conditions,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 87, No. 3, 205–220 (1993). · Zbl 0787.16021 · doi:10.1016/0022-4049(93)90109-7
[46] K. I. Beidar, ”On essential extensions, maximal essential extensions and iterated maximal essential extensions in radical theory,” in: L. Márki, ed., Theory of Radicals (Szekszárd, 1991), Collect. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, 61, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993), pp. 17–26. · Zbl 0810.16019
[47] K. I. Beidar and R. Wiegandt, ”Rings with involution and conditions for bi-ideal chains,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 48, No. 5 (293), 159–160 (1993). · Zbl 0826.16031
[48] K. I. Beidar and V. T. Markov, ”A semiprime PI ring which has a faithful module with Krull dimension is a Goldie ring,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 48, No. 6 (294), 141–142 (1993). · Zbl 0833.16023
[49] K. I. Beidar, ”Classical quotient rings of semiprime PI-rings,” Algebra Logika, 32, No. 1, 3–16 (1993). · Zbl 0799.16018
[50] K. I. Beidar and R. Wisbauer, ”Strongly and properly semiprime modules and rings,” in: Ring Theory (Granville, OH, 1992), World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ (1993), pp. 58–94. · Zbl 0853.16021
[51] K. I. Be@i@dar, E. R. Puczy-lowski, and P. F. Smith, ”Krull dimension of modules over involution rings,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 121, No. 2, 391–397 (1994). · Zbl 0805.16032
[52] K. I. Beidar, U. Knauer, and A. V. Mikhalev, ”An example of two von Neumann regular rings with nonisomorphic Morita equivalent multiplicative semigroups,” Semigroup Forum, 48, No. 3, 381–383 (1994). · Zbl 0803.16009 · doi:10.1007/BF02573686
[53] K. I. Beidar, ”On questions of B. J. Gardner and A. D. Sands,” J. Aust. Math. Soc. Ser. A, 56, No. 3, 314–319 (1994). · Zbl 0811.16017 · doi:10.1017/S1446788700035527
[54] K. I. Beidar, ”Classical localizations of alternative algebras,” J. Math. Sci., 69, No. 3, 1098–1104 (1994). · Zbl 0835.17024 · doi:10.1007/BF01254395
[55] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and K. P. Shum, ”On the hearts of subdirectly irreducible near-rings,” Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 18, No. 2, 5–9 (1994). · Zbl 0840.16034
[56] K. I. Beidar, W. S. Martindale, III, and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Lie isomorphisms in prime rings with involution,” J. Algebra, 169, No. 1, 304–327 (1994). · Zbl 0813.16020 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1994.1286
[57] K. I. Beidar and S. A. Pikhtil’kov, ”On the prime radical of special Lie algebras,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 49, No. 1 (295), 233 (1994).
[58] K. I. Beidar and R. Wisbauer, ”Properly semiprime self-pp-modules,” Commun. Algebra, 23 (1995), No. 3, 841–861. · Zbl 0822.16017 · doi:10.1080/00927879508825252
[59] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, W.-F. Ke, S.-Y. Liang, ”Nearring multiplications on groups,” Commun. Algebra, 23, No. 3, 999–1015 (1995). · Zbl 0832.16036 · doi:10.1080/00927879508825264
[60] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”The method of orthogonal completeness in the structure theory of rings,” J. Math. Sci., 73, No. 1, 1–46 (1995). · Zbl 0846.16001 · doi:10.1007/BF02366353
[61] K. I. Beidar and P. Grzeszczuk, ”Actions of Lie algebras on rings without nilpotent elements,” Algebra Colloq., 2, No. 2, 105–116 (1995). · Zbl 0832.16032
[62] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Anti-isomorphisms of endomorphism rings of modules and the Morita anti-equivalence,” Usp. Mat. Nauk, 50, No. 1 (301), 187–188 (1995). · Zbl 0845.16010
[63] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”On topologization of rings with infinite lower Baer radical,” in: Second Int. Conf. on Algebra (Barnaul, 1991), Contemp. Math., 184, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (1995), pp. 43–47.
[64] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Generalized polynomial identities and rings that are sums of two subrings,” Algebra Logika, 34, No. 1, 3–11 (1995). · Zbl 0846.16016
[65] K. I. Beidar, A. V. Mikhalev, and G. E. Puninskii, Logical aspects of the theory of rings and modules, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 1, No. 1, 1–62 (1995). · Zbl 0892.16001
[66] K. I. Beidar, W. S. Martindale, III, and A. V. Mikhalev, Rings with Generalized Identities, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 196, Marcel Dekker, New York (1996). · Zbl 0847.16001
[67] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and C. S. Wang, ”On the lattice of strong radicals,” J. Algebra, 180, No. 2, 334–340 (1996). · Zbl 0848.16014 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1996.0070
[68] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, X. K. Wang, ”Posner and Herstein theorems for derivations of 3-prime near-rings,” Commun. Algebra, 24, No. 5, 1581–1589 (1996). · Zbl 0849.16039 · doi:10.1080/00927879608825656
[69] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and W.-F. Ke, ”On finite circular planar nearrings,” J. Algebra, 185, No. 3, 688–709 (1996). · Zbl 0863.16038 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1996.0347
[70] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and W.-F. Ke, ”On the simplicity of centralizer nearrings,” in: First Int. Tainan-Moscow Algebra Workshop (Tainan, 1994), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1996), pp. 139–146. · Zbl 0877.16025
[71] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, U. Knauer, A. V. Mikhalev, and K. P. Shum, ”Semigroups with generalized polynomial identities,” in: First Int. Tainan-Moscow Algebra Workshop (Tainan, 1994), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (1996), pp. 147–157. · Zbl 0869.20041
[72] K. I. Beidar and A. V. Mikhalev, ”Anti-isomorphisms, induced by Morita anti-equivalences, of endomorphism rings of modules that are close to free,” Tr. Sem. Petrovsk., No. 19, 338–344 (1996). · Zbl 0917.16005
[73] K. I. Beidar, E. R. Puczy-lowski, and P. F. Smith, ”Krull dimension of modules over involution rings. II,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 125, No. 2, 355–361 (1997). · Zbl 0864.16030 · doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-97-03724-6
[74] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and A. Stolin, ”On Frobenius algebras and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation,” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 349, No. 9, 3823–3836 (1997). · Zbl 0886.16019 · doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-97-01808-4
[75] K. I. Beidar and R. Wiegandt, ”Radicals induced by the total of rings,” Beitr. Algebra Geom., 38, No. 1, 149–159 (1997). · Zbl 0874.16014
[76] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and A. A. Stolin, ”On antipodes and integrals in Hopf algebras over rings and the quantum Yang-Baxter equation,” J. Algebra, 194, No. 1, 36–52 (1997). · Zbl 0880.16018 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1996.7019
[77] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and A. Stolin, ”Symmetric algebras and Yang-Baxter equation,” Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), Suppl. No. 46 (Proc. 16th Winter School ”Geometry and Physics” (Srní, 1996)), 15–28 (1997). · Zbl 0884.17007
[78] K. I. Beidar, ”On rings with zero total,” Beitr. Algebra Geom., 38, No. 2, 233–239 (1997). · Zbl 0884.16006
[79] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, P.-H. Lee, and T.-L. Wong, ”On additive maps of prime rings satisfying the Engel condition,” Commun. Algebra, 25, No. 12, 3889–3902 (1997). · Zbl 0898.16013 · doi:10.1080/00927879708826093
[80] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and W.-F. Ke, ”On complemented radicals,” J. Algebra, 201, No. 1, 328–356 (1998). · Zbl 0911.16013 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1997.7254
[81] K. I. Beidar, ”On functional identities and commuting additive mappings,” Commun. Algebra, 26, No. 6, 1819–1850 (1998). · Zbl 0901.16011 · doi:10.1080/00927879808826241
[82] K. I. Beidar and W. S. Martindale, III, ”On functional identities in prime rings with involution,” J. Algebra, 203, No. 2, 491–532 (1998). · Zbl 0904.16012 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1997.7285
[83] K. I. Beidar and Y. Fong, ”On radicals of monomial algebras,” Commun. Algebra, 26, No. 12, 3913–3919 (1998). · Zbl 0916.16013 · doi:10.1080/00927879808826384
[84] K. I. Beidar, ”On principally hereditary radicals,” Commun. Algebra, 26, No. 12, 3899–3912 (1998). · Zbl 0919.16013 · doi:10.1080/00927879808826383
[85] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, W.-F. Ke, and W.-R. Wu, ”On semi-endomorphisms of groups,” Commun. Algebra, 27, No. 5, 2193–2205 (1999). · Zbl 0930.16023 · doi:10.1080/00927879908826558
[86] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, and M. A. Chebotar, ”Generalized functional identities with (anti-)automorphisms and derivations on prime rings. I,” J. Algebra, 215, No. 2, 644–665 (1999). · Zbl 0934.16020 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1998.7751
[87] K. I. Beidar and Y. Fong, ”On additive isomorphisms of prime rings preserving polynomials,” J. Algebra, 217, No. 2, 650–667 (1999). · Zbl 0934.16030 · doi:10.1006/jabr.1998.7833
[88] K. I. Beidar and R. Wiegandt, ”Radical assignments and radical classes,” Bul. Acad. Ştiinţe Repub. Mold. Mat., No. 2, 17–27 (1999). · Zbl 0946.16013
[89] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and L. A. Bokut, ”Prime rings with semigroup generalized identity,” Commun. Algebra, 28, No. 3, 1497–1501 (2000). · Zbl 0949.16022 · doi:10.1080/00927870008826909
[90] K. I. Beidar and M. Brešar, ”Applying the density theorem for derivations to range inclusion problems,” Studia Math., 138, No. 1, 93–100 (2000). · Zbl 0954.16026
[91] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, and M. A. Chebotar, ”Jordan isomorphisms of triangular matrix algebras over a connected commutative ring,” Linear Algebra Appl., 312, No. 1–3, 197–201 (2000). · Zbl 0962.15007 · doi:10.1016/S0024-3795(00)00087-2
[92] K. I. Beidar, S.-C. Chang, M. A. Chebotar, and Y. Fong, ”On functional identities in left ideals of prime rings,” Commun. Algebra, 28, No. 6, 3041–3058 (2000). · Zbl 0971.16014 · doi:10.1080/00927870008827008
[93] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, M. A. Chebotar, and W. S. Martindale, III, ”On functional identities in prime rings with involution. II,” Commun. Algebra, 28, No. 7, 3169–3183 (2000). · Zbl 1015.16027 · doi:10.1080/00927870008827017
[94] K. I. Beidar and M. A. Chebotar, ”On functional identities and d-free subsets of rings. I,” Commun. Algebra, 28, No. 8, 3925–3951 (2000). · Zbl 0991.16017 · doi:10.1080/00927870008827066
[95] K. I. Beidar and M. A. Chebotar, ”On functional identities and d-free subsets of rings. II,” Commun. Algebra, 28, No. 8, 3953–3972 (2000). · Zbl 0991.16018 · doi:10.1080/00927870008827067
[96] K. I. Beidar and M. A. Chebotar, ”On Lie-admissible algebras whose commutator Lie algebras are Lie subalgebras of prime associative algebras,” J. Algebra, 233, No. 2, 675–703 (2000). · Zbl 0998.16024 · doi:10.1006/jabr.2000.8449
[97] K. I. Beidar and S. A. Pikhtil’kov, ”The prime radical of special Lie algebras,” Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 6, No. 3, 643–648 (2000). · Zbl 1001.17004
[98] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, and M. A. Chebotar, ”Functional identities on upper triangular matrix algebras,” J. Math. Sci., 102, No. 6, 4557–4565 (2000). · Zbl 1019.16012
[99] K. I. Beidar and M. A. Chebotar, ”On surjective Lie homomorphisms onto Lie ideals of prime rings,” Commun. Algebra, 29, No. 10, 4775–4793 (2001). · Zbl 1004.16030 · doi:10.1081/AGB-100106785
[100] K. I. Beidar and F. Kasch, ”Good conditions for the total,” in: Int. Symp. on Ring Theory (Kyongju, 1999), Birkhauser, Boston (2001), pp. 43–65. · Zbl 0977.16001
[101] K. I. Beidar and M. A. Chebotar, ”On Lie derivations of Lie ideals of prime algebras,” Israel J. Math., 123, 131–148 (2001). · Zbl 0982.16025 · doi:10.1007/BF02784122
[102] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, M. A. Chebotar, and W. S. Martindale, III, ”On Herstein’s Lie map conjectures. I,” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 353, No. 10, 4235–4260 (2001). · Zbl 1019.16019 · doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-01-02731-3
[103] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, M. A. Chebotar, and W. S. Martindale, 3rd, ”On Herstein’s Lie map conjectures. II,” J. Algebra, 238, No. 1, 239–264 (2001). · Zbl 1019.16020 · doi:10.1006/jabr.2000.8628
[104] K. I. Beidar and B. Torrecillas, ”On actions of Hopf algebras with cocommutative coradical,” J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 161, No. 1–2, 13–30 (2001). · Zbl 0980.16031 · doi:10.1016/S0022-4049(00)00087-6
[105] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, and Y. Fong, ”Extended Jacobson density theorem for Lie ideals of rings with automorphisms,” Publ. Math. Debrecen, 58, No. 3, 325–335 (2001). · Zbl 1004.16029
[106] K. I. Beidar and M. Brešar, ”Extended Jacobson density theorem for rings with derivations and automorphisms,” Israel J. Math., 122, 317–346 (2001). · Zbl 1003.47029 · doi:10.1007/BF02809906
[107] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and E. R. Puczy-lowski, ”Polynomial rings over nil rings cannot be homomorphically mapped onto rings with nonzero idempotents,” J. Algebra, 238, No. 1, 389–399 (2001). · Zbl 0996.16015 · doi:10.1006/jabr.2000.8632
[108] K. I. Beidar, T.-S. Chen, Y. Fong, and W.-F. Ke, ”On graded polynomial identities with an antiautomorphism,” J. Algebra, 256, No. 2, 542–555 (2002). · Zbl 1021.16014 · doi:10.1016/S0021-8693(02)00140-0
[109] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, and W.-F. Ke, ”Maximal right nearring of quotients and semigroup generalized polynomial identity,” Results Math., 42, No. 1–2, 12–27 (2002). · Zbl 1039.16040
[110] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, M. A. Chebotar, and Y. Fong, ”Applying functional identities to some linear preserver problems,” Pacific J. Math., 204, No. 2, 257–271 (2002). · Zbl 1054.46038 · doi:10.2140/pjm.2002.204.257
[111] K. I. Beidar, Y. Fong, W.-F. Ke, and S. K. Jain, ”An example of a right q-ring,” Israel J. Math., 127, 303–316 (2002). · Zbl 1028.16001 · doi:10.1007/BF02784536
[112] K. I. Beidar, W.-F. Ke, and E. R. Puczy-lowski, ”On subhereditary radicals and reduced rings,” Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 132, No. 2, 255–266 (2002). · Zbl 0999.16017 · doi:10.1017/S030821050000161X
[113] K. I. Beidar and W.-F. Ke, ”On essential extensions of direct sums of injective modules,” Arch. Math. (Basel), 78, No. 2, 120–123 (2002). · Zbl 1020.16001
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[121] K. I. Beidar, W.-F. Ke, C.-H. Liu, and W.-R. Wu, ”Automorphism groups of certain simple 2-(q, 3, {\(\lambda\)}) designs constructed from finite fields,” Finite Fields Appl., 9, No. 4, 401–412 (2003). · Zbl 1032.05011 · doi:10.1016/S1071-5797(03)00013-3
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[126] K. I. Beidar and Y.-F. Lin, ”On surjective linear maps preserving commutativity,” Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, 134, No. 6, 1023–1040 (2004). · Zbl 1074.16019 · doi:10.1017/S0308210500003619
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[128] K. I. Beidar, W.-F. Ke, and E. R. Puczy-lowski, ”On matrix rings and subhereditary radicals,” Commun. Algebra, 32, No. 7, 2827–2839 (2004). · Zbl 1070.16023 · doi:10.1081/AGB-120037418
[129] K. I. Beidar, K. C. O’Meara, and R. M. Raphael, ”On uniform diagonalisation of matrices over regular rings and one-accessible regular algebras,” Commun. Algebra, 32, No. 9, 3543–3562 (2004). · Zbl 1074.16005 · doi:10.1081/AGB-120039630
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[131] K. I. Beidar, M. Brešar, M. A. Chebotar, and W. S. Martindale, III, ”Polynomial preserving maps on certain Jordan algebras,” Israel J. Math., 141, 285–313 (2004). · Zbl 1060.16026 · doi:10.1007/BF02772225
[132] K. I. Beidar, S. K. Jain, P. Kanwar, and J. B. Srivastava, ”Semilocal CS matrix rings of order > 1 over group algebras of solvable groups are selfinjective,” J. Algebra, 275, No. 2, 856–858 (2004). · Zbl 1069.16029 · doi:10.1016/j.jalgebra.2003.06.008
[133] K. I. Beidar and R. Wisbauer, ”On uniform bounds of primeness in matrix rings,” J. Aust. Math. Soc., 76, No. 2, 167–174 (2004). · Zbl 1067.16049 · doi:10.1017/S1446788700008879
[134] K. I. Beidar and S. K. Jain, ”The structure of right continuous right {\(\pi\)}-rings,” Commun. Algebra, 32, No. 1, 315–332 (2004). · Zbl 1072.16001 · doi:10.1081/AGB-120027869
[135] K. I. Beidar and S. K. Jain, ”When is every module with essential socle a direct sum of quasi-injectives?” Commun. Algebra, 33, No. 11, 4251–4258 (2005). · Zbl 1119.16004 · doi:10.1080/00927870500279019
[136] K. I. Beidar and Y.-F. Lin, ”Maps characterized by action on Lie zero products,” Commun. Algebra, 33, No. 8, 2697–2703 (2005). · Zbl 1090.16013 · doi:10.1081/AGB-200064364
[137] K. I. Beidar, W.-F. Ke, and H. Kiechle, ”Circularity of finite groups without fixed points,” Monatsh. Math., 144, No. 4, 265–273 (2005). · Zbl 1081.20036 · doi:10.1007/s00605-004-0268-x
[138] K. I. Beidar, L. Marki, R. Mlitz, and R. Wiegandt, ”Primitive involution rings,” Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar., 109, No. 4, 357–368 (2005). · Zbl 1094.16020
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