
Analysis of dynamic ruptures generating seismic waves in a self-gravitating planet: an iterative coupling scheme and well-posedness. (English) Zbl 1435.76022

Summary: We study the solution of the system of equations describing the dynamical evolution of spontaneous ruptures generated in a prestressed elastic-gravitational deforming body and governed by rate and state friction laws. We propose an iterative coupling scheme based on a weak formulation with nonlinear interior boundary conditions, both for continuous time and with implicit discretization (backward Euler) in time. We regularize the problem by introducing viscosity. This guarantees the convergence of the scheme for solutions of the regularized problems in both cases. We also make precise the conditions on the relevant coefficients for convergence to hold.


76D05 Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible viscous fluids
35K86 Unilateral problems for nonlinear parabolic equations and variational inequalities with nonlinear parabolic operators
76D03 Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory for incompressible viscous fluids
35A35 Theoretical approximation in context of PDEs
49J40 Variational inequalities


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