
Topology of character varieties of abelian groups. (English) Zbl 1300.14045

Let \(G\) be a complex reductive algebraic group. Let \(K\) be a maximal compact subgroup of \(G,\) and let \(\Gamma\) be a finitely generated abelian group of rank \(r\). Then \(G\) acts on \(\text{Hom}\left( \Gamma,G\right) ,\) and one can construct the affine GIT quotient \(\mathfrak{X}_{\Gamma}\left( G\right) =\text{Hom}\left( \Gamma,G\right) /\!/G,\) which is called the \(G\)-character variety of \(\Gamma.\) Additionally, \(G\) acts on \(\text{Hom}\left( \Gamma,K\right) ,\) giving rise to the GIT quotient \(\mathfrak{X}_{\Gamma}\left( K\right) ,\) similarly defined.
In the work under review, it is shown that there is a strong deformation retract from \(\mathfrak{X}_{\Gamma}\left( G\right) \) to \(\mathfrak{X} _{\Gamma}\left( K\right) .\) This result remains true upon restriction to the real locus \(\mathfrak{X}_{\Gamma}\left( G\left( \mathbb{R}\right) \right) .\) Additionally, it is shown that \(\mathfrak{X}_{\Gamma}\left( G\right) \) is irreducible if and only if \(\Gamma\) is a free abelian group, and either (1) \(r=1\); (2) \(r=2\) and \(G\) is simply connected; or (3) \(r\geq3\) and \(G\) is a product of special linear and compact symplectic groups.


14L30 Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients)
14P25 Topology of real algebraic varieties
14L17 Affine algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions
14L24 Geometric invariant theory
22E46 Semisimple Lie groups and their representations


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