
Differential geometry of manifolds of figures. (English) Zbl 0502.53005


53A07 Higher-dimensional and -codimensional surfaces in Euclidean and related \(n\)-spaces
53A20 Projective differential geometry
53-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to differential geometry
53A30 Conformal differential geometry (MSC2010)
53A55 Differential invariants (local theory), geometric objects
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[1] M. A. Akivis and Kh. A. Baimuratov, ?Certain classes of complexes of oriented spheres,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 8, 3?9 (1975).
[2] M. A. Akivis and L. P. Safaryan, ?Differential geometry of manifolds of cones of the second order,? in: Collection of Papers on Differential Geometry [in Russian], Kalinin (1974), pp. 3?10.
[3] N. V. Amisheva, ?Families of second order algebraic elements in equiaffine space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,212, 198?209 (1972).
[4] N. V. Amisheva, ?Complexes of integral curves of the second order in three-dimensional equiaffine space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,212, 187?197 (1972).
[5] N. V. Amisheva, ?A class of complexes of conics in equiaffine space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,230, 91?97 [1972(1973)].
[6] N. V. Amisheva, ?Congruences of ellipses in equiaffine space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,205, 74?78 (1972).
[7] N. V. Amisheva, ?Properties of manifolds (m, m, n)2 in equiaffine space,? in: Materials of the Fourth Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics [in Russian], Tomsk (1974), p. 42.
[8] N. V. Amisheva, ?Equiaffine invariant classification of manifolds of quadratic elements,? Kemerovsk. Univ., Kemerovo (1979).
[9] B. A. Andreev, ?Characteristic directions of a correspondence between projective space and the space of p-figures,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), pp. 8?10.
[10] B. A. Andreev, ?Differential geometry of correspondences between point spaces and spaces of pairs of figures,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 6?19.
[11] B. A. Andreev, ?Differential geometry of correspondences between point projective space and the space of null-pairs,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 5, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 6?24.
[12] B. A. Andreev, ?Characteristic directions of correspondences between a point space and a space of pairs (p, q),? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 5?18.
[13] B. A. Andreev, ?Differentiable correspondence between a point space and a space of pairs (p, q),? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 5?9.
[14] B. A. Andreev, ?Geometry of manifolds of pairs: of figures,? in: Fifth Baltic Geometry Conference Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Druskininkai (1978), p. 6.
[15] B. A. Andreev, ?Differentiable correspondence between a point space and the manifoldR H(Q) of hyperquadrics of affine space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 9, Kaliningrad (1978), pp. 11?19.
[16] Zh. N. Bagdasaryan, ?Hypersurface inP n, normalized by a family of second order hypercones,? [in Russian], Kirovakan, Ped. In-t, Krovakan (1976), No. 2644-76 Dep.
[17] Zh. N. Bagdasaryan, ?Conjugate net on a hypersurface of projective spaceP n, associated with a family of second order cones,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 10?15.
[18] A. M. Berezman, ?Congruences of Curves in n-dimensional Euclidean space,? in: Mathematical Physics [in Russian], Vol. 3, Moscow (1976), pp. 50?55.
[19] V. V. Blagonravov, ?Geometric interpretation of t-focal points,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,244, 29?34 (1975). · Zbl 0494.53006
[20] M. R. Vaintrub, ?Congruences of circles having doubled family of canal surfaces,? Izv. Tomsk. Politekh. Inst.,205, Heat Energy Vol., 118?120 (1972).
[21] M. R. Vaintrub, ?Congruences of circles 1.2 with multiple focal points,? Izv. Tomsk. Politekh. Inst.,226, 82?85 (1976).
[22] P. Vashkas, ?Fibrations of the Grassman manifold Gr(1, 3) by second order cones,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,15, No. 3, 49?61 (1975).
[23] E. E. Vol’per, ?Certain classes of pairs of congruences of conics in three-dimensional projective space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,235, 65?74 (1973).
[24] R. F. Dombrovskii, ?Tangent normalizing (m?1)-dimensional surfaces of the second order onM m,t,? [in Russian], VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1975). (Manuscript deposited in VINITI, February 24, 1976, No. 586-76 Dep).
[25] R. F. Dombrovskii, ?Fields of geometric objects on multidimensional tangent normalizing surfaces inP n,? in: Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vol. 7, Itogi Nauki Tekh. VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1975), pp. 153?171.
[26] E. V. Zav’yalova, ?Three systems of conics in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 39?48.
[27] G. I. Ivanov, ?Congruences of parabolas with identifinite focal surfaces,? in: Materials of the Fourth Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics [in Russian], Tomsk, (1974), pp. 61?62.
[28] G. I. Ivanov, ?Some two-dimensional distributions on manifolds of parabolas,? [in Russian], Barnaul. Gos. Pendagog. In-t, Barnaul (1979). (Manuscript deposited in VINITI, March 28, 1979, No. 1090-79 Dep).
[29] V. B. Kim, ?Three-parameter manifold an element of which consists of a cubic and a point,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 29?43.
[30] V. B. Kim, ?Some classes of manifoldsK(0, 2, 2)3 in P3,? in: Materials of the Fourth Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics [in Russian], Tomsk (1974), p. 67.
[31] V. B. Kim, ?A manifoldK(0, 3, 2)3 inp 3,? Nauchn. Tr. Novosib. Pedagog. Inst.,94, 64?65 (1974).
[32] V. B. Kim, ?The manifold of cubics in projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 40?45.
[33] V. A. Kondrashenkov, ?Three-parameter family of curves in three-dimensional analytic space,? in: Studies in the Geometry of Immersed Manifolds and Projective Geometry [in Russian], Leningrad (1979), pp. 67?74. · Zbl 0535.53019
[34] L. G. Korsakova, ?A class of fibred pairs of congruences of conics,? in: Abstracts of Reports to the Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samarkand (1972), p. 105.
[35] L. G. Korsakova, ?Fibred pairs of congruences of conics, tangent to the line of intersection of their planes,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 44?63.
[36] L. G. Korsakova, ?Pairs of congruences of conics, tangent to the line of intersection of their planes at one point,? in: Sixth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vilnius (1975), pp. 118?119.
[37] L. G. Korsakova, ?A pair of congruence of conics inP 3, tangent to the line of intersection of their planes at one point,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 63?72.
[38] L. G. Korsakova, ?Pairs of congruences of conics inP 3, tangent to the line of intersection of their planes,? in: All Union Scientific Conference on Noneuclidean Geometry ?150 Years of Lobachevskian Geometry,? Kazan. Abstracts of Reprots [in Russian], Moscow (1976), p. 104.
[39] L. G. Korsakova, ?Fibred pairs of congruences of conics in P3,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 46?53.
[40] L. G. Korsakova, ?Characteristics of fibred pairs of congruences of figures,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 8, Kaliningrad (1977), pp. 18?31.
[41] L. G. Korsakova, ?Integral-free representation of a congruence of pairs of conics,? in: Fifth Baltic Geometry Conference. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Druskininkai (1978), p. 40.
[42] L. G. Korsakova, ?PairsD,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 9, Kaliningrad (1978), pp. 45?53.
[43] L. G. Korsakova, ?A class of fibred pairs of congruences of curves of the second order in P3,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 10, Kaliningrad (1979), pp. 36?40. · Zbl 0442.53015
[44] L. G. Korsakova, ?Fibred pairs of congruences of curves of the second order, tangent to the line of intersection of their planes,? in: Abstracts of Reports. First Grodno Regional Conference of Young Scientists [in Russian], Part 3, Grodno (1979), pp. 6?7.
[45] M. V. Kretov, ?Classes of linearizable figures and linear geometric objects,? in: Fifth Baltic Geometry Conference. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Druskininkai (1978), p. 41.
[46] M. V. Kretov, ?Complexes of ellipsoids in affine space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 10, Kaliningrad (1979), pp. 41?47. · Zbl 0458.53004
[47] M. V. Kretov, ?A complex of central quadrics with degenerate manifold of centers,? in: Seventh All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Minsk (1979), p. 99.
[48] G. F. Laptev and N. M. Ostianu, ?Distributions of m-dimensional linear elements in n-dimensional projective space,? [in Russian], VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1971). (Manuscript deposited in VINITI November 22, 1971, No. 3683-71 Dep). · Zbl 1396.53031
[49] A. N. Lebedeva, ?Pairs S of congruences,? in; Materials of the Fourth Scientific Conference on Mathematics and Mechanics [in Russian], Tomsk (1974), pp. 75?76.
[50] F. A. Lipatova, ?A special case of degenerate congruences of pairs of figures, formed by an ellipse and a point,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 60?67.
[51] F. A. Lipatova, ?CongruencesV 1,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 64?67.
[52] F. A. Lipatova, ?Degenerate congruences of pairs of figures formed by an ellipse and a point incident with the ellipse,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 73?78.
[53] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Differential geometry of families of lines and surfaces,? in: Algebra. Topology. Geometry [in Russian], Vol. 10, Itogi Nauki Tekh. VINITI Akad, Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1972), pp. 113?157.
[54] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Degenerate manifolds of pairs of figures in homogeneous space,? in: Abstracts of Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samarkand (1972), p. 133.
[55] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Degenerate congruences of pairs of figures in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 41?49.
[56] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Induced tangent normalizations of manifolds of figures,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), pp. 74?75.
[57] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Normalizations of hypercomplexes of quadratic elements,? Tr. Geom. Sem. (Vses. Inst. Nauch. Tekh. Inform. Akad. Nauk SSSR),4, 167?178 (1973). · Zbl 0305.53007
[58] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Tangent normalizations of congruences of conics,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 68?85.
[59] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Induced normalized manifolds of figures in homogeneous space,? Tr. Geom. Sem. (Vses. Inst. Nauchn. Tekh. Inform. Akad. Nauk SSSR),5, 319?334 (1974). · Zbl 0304.53035
[60] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?A class of fibred manifolds,? in: Fourth Republican Conference of Mathematicians of Belorussiya. Problems in the Development of Applied Mathematical Studies. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Part 2, Minsk (1975), p. 83.
[61] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Manifolds of quadrics in n-dimensional projective space,? in: Sixth All-Union Geometry Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vilnius (1975), pp. 154?156.
[62] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Congruences of quadrics with focal congruences of conics,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 54?60.
[63] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Congruences of ruled quadrics in projective space,? in: All-Union Scientific Conference on Noneuclidean Geometry ?150 Years of Lobachevskian Geometry?, Kazan. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Moscow (1976), p. 132.
[64] V. S. Malkhovskii, ?Congruences of ruled quadrics in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 8, Kaliningrad (1977), pp. 32?38.
[65] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Congruences of ruled quadrics with decomposing associated quadrics,? in: Fifth Baltic Geometry Conference. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Druskininkai (1978), p. 51.
[66] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?A class of congruences of quadrics,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 10, Kaliningrad (1979), pp. 41?47.
[67] V. S. Malakhovskii, ?Congruences of normalized hyperquadrics,? in: Seventh All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Minsk (1979), p. 117.
[68] V. S. Malkhovskii and V. V. Makhorkin, ?Congruences of surfaces of the second order in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 86?106.
[69] V. S. Malakhovskii and V. V. Makhorkin, ?Differential geometry of manifolds of hyperquadrics in n-dimensional projective space,? Tr. Geom. Sem. (Vses. Inst. Nauch. Tekh. Inform. Akad. Nauk SSSR),6, 113?134 (1974).
[70] V. S. Malakhovskii and N. M. Ostianu, ?Fields of geometric objects in homogeneous and generalized spaces,? [in Russian] VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1979). (Manuscript deposited in VINITI October 25, 1979, No. 3640-79 Dep).
[71] V. I. Matveenko, ?Differential geometry of a five-parameter family of nondegenerate curves of the second order, whose planes form a one-parameter family,? Izv. Tomsk. Politekh. Inst.,205, Heat-Energy Vol., 129?131 (1972).
[72] V. I. Matveenko, ?Differential geometry of four-parameter families of conics in threedimensional projective space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,205, 40?47 (1972).
[73] V. I. Matveenko, ?A three-parameter family of conics inP 3,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,235, 50?59 (1973).
[74] V. I. Matveenko, ?A semiparametric family of conics in P3,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,235, 60?64 (1973).
[75] A. V. Makhorkin, ?Pfaffian system of differential equations of a class of complexes of quadrics in P3,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 10, Kaliningrad (1979), pp. 63?66.
[76] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Differential geometry of manifolds of hyperquadrics of n-dimensional projective spaceP n,? in: Abstracts of Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samrkand (1972), p. 136.
[77] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Some types of manifolds of hyperquadrics,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 50?59.
[78] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Manifolds of hyperquadrics,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), pp. 76?77.
[79] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Manifolds of cubic hypersurfaces of n-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 5, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 85?96.
[80] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Manifolds of figures in products of projective spaces,? in: Fourth Republican Conference of Mathematicians of Belorussiya. Problems of Development of Applied Mathematical Studies. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Part 2, Minsk (1975), p. 84.
[81] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Manifolds of quadratic hypersurfaces with a special property of the associated manifolds,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 90?93.
[82] V. V. Makhorkin, ?One-parameter family of quadrics in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 61?63.
[83] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Congruences of quadrics inP 6,? in: Fifth Baltic Geometry Conference. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Druskininkai (1978), p. 55.
[84] V. V. Makhorkin, ?Manifolds of hyperquadrics of n-dimensional projective space and their focal manifolds,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 9, Kaliningrad (1978), pp. 60?64.
[85] E. A. Mitrofanova, ?Congruences of hyperparaboloids in n-dimensional Euclidean space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 64?68.
[86] E. A. Mitrofanova, ?A class of congruences of hyperbolic paraboloids in three-dimensional equiaffine space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 8, Kaliningrad (1977), pp. 39?42.
[87] E. A. Mitrofanova, ?Congruences of hyperparaboloids in n-dimensional equiaffine space,? in: Seventh All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Minsk (1979), p. 131.
[88] E. A. Mitrofanova, ?A class of congruences of hyperbolic paraboloids in A3,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 10, Kaliningrad (1979), pp. 67?69.
[89] N. T. Mochernyuk, ?Differential geometry of manifold of algebraic elements in n-dimensional projective space,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,205, 27?33 (1972). · Zbl 0301.53003
[90] T. P. Novozhilova, ?Degenerate congruences of linear and semiquadratic pairs in equiaffine space,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), pp. 84?85.
[91] T. P. Novozhilova, ?Degenerate congruences of quadratic pairs in A3, generated by an ellipse and a point,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 60?67.
[92] T. P. Novozhilova, ?Degenerate congruences of pairs of figures, formed by a line and a point,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 117?122.
[93] T. P. Novozhilova, ?Degenerate congruences (CL)1,2,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 107?116.
[94] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Interpretation of certain geometric objects of the differentiable mapping ?h,n,? in: Abstracts of Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samarkand (1972), p. 152.
[95] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Characteristic object of the mapping ?h,n,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), p. 88.
[96] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Differentiable mapping of a hypersurface into a manifold of quadratic elements,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 68?80.
[97] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Fibred pairs ?2,3,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 123?135.
[98] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Geometric images associated with the manifold of semiquadratic pairs of figures,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 5, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 97?102.
[99] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Geometry of correspondences between a point space and the manifold of hyperquadrics,? in: Sixth All-Union Geometry Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vilnius (1975), p. 176.
[100] V. M. Ovchinnikov, ?Geometric images of semiquadratic pairs of figures,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 94?101.
[101] N. M. Onishchuk and O. I. Protopopova, ?Centroaffine geometry of complexes of curves of the second order,? Tr. Tomsk. Univ.,244, 56?60 (1975). · Zbl 0472.53013
[102] A. P. Osipova, ?Congruence of circles inC 4, mapped into paratactic and isotropic congruences of two-dimensional planes1S5,? in: Mathematics and Some of Its Applications to Theoretical and Applied Natural Science [in Russian], Vol. 4, Rostov on the Don (1970), pp. 79?91.
[103] A. Yu. Pekarskene, ?Geometry of manifolds of degenerate planar curves of the third order inP 3,? Liet. Mat. Rinkinys,11, No. 3, 641?650 (1971).
[104] A. Yu. Pekarskene, ?Geometry of the partially nonholonomic manifold of curves of second order in the spaceP 3,? in: Abstracts of Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samarkand (1972), p. 163.
[105] A. Yu. Pekarskene, ?Geometry of the second differential neighborhood of the seminonholonomic manifold of nondegenerate curves of the second order in the spaceP 3.,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), p. 99.
[106] A. Yu. Pekarskene, ?A class of normalized manifolds of quadratic elements,? in: Sixth All-Union Geometry Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vilnius (1975), pp. 183?185.
[107] M. M. Pokhila, ?Pairs of manifolds of quadratic elements in Pn,? in: Abstracts of Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samarkand (1972), p. 178.
[108] M. M. Pokhila, ?Geometry of pairs of manifolds of quadratic elements in n-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 97?112.
[109] L. P. Safaryan, ?Projective-differential geometry of one-parameter families of cones of the second order,? An. Stint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Sect. 1a,19, No, 2, 395?410 (1973).
[110] L. P. Safaryan and Zh. N. Bagdasaryan, ?Some classes of manifolds of degenerate cones of the second order inP n,? Uch. Zap. Erevan. Univ. Estest. Nauk, No. 2 (123), 8?14 (1973).
[111] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?Congruences of curves of the second order with multiple degenerate focal surfaces,? in: Abstracts of Reports. Fifth All-Union Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Samarkand (1972), p. 195.
[112] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?A class of congruences of conics with degenerate focal surfaces,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), p. 113.
[113] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?Congruences of curves of the second order with one degenerate focal surface,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 113?125.
[114] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?A class of fibered pairs of congruences of conics with degenerate focal surfaces,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 151?160.
[115] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?A class of congruences [2,0],? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 5, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 131?140.
[116] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?A class of tangent normalized congruences of conics,? in: Sixth AllUnion Geometry Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vilnius (1975), pp. 213?214.
[117] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?Tangent normalized congruences of curves of the second order with degenerate focal surfaces,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 156?168.
[118] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?A class of congruences of conics with nondegenerate focal surfaces,? in: All-Union Scientific Conference on Noneucliedean Geometry ?150 Years of Lobachevskiian Geometry,? Kazan. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Moscow (1976), p. 179.
[119] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?A class of congruences of conics inP 3,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 94?98.
[120] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?Congruences of curves of the second order, the characteristic points of whose planes are incident to the curve,? in: Fifth Baltic Geometry Conference. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Druskininkai (1978), p. 77.
[121] G. L. Sveshnikova, ?CongruencesI 2 with focal surface degenerate on a line,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 10, Kaliningrad (1979), pp. 104?109. · Zbl 0444.53006
[122] G. L. Sveshnikova and N. V. Ermakova, ?A class of congruences of curves of the second order with nondegenerate focal surfaces,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 9, Kaliningrad (1978), pp. 79?84.
[123] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Degenerate congruences of ruled pairs of figures,? in: Materials of the Fourth Baltic Geometry Conference [in Russian], Tartu (1973), pp. 116?118.
[124] E. V. Skrydlova, ?A class of degenerate congruences of pairs of figures in projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 3, Kaliningrad (1973), pp. 126?132.
[125] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Congruences (CP)2,1,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 4, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 161?174.
[126] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Degenerate congruences(C?) 1,2 in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 5, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 141?158.
[127] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Degenerate congruences(C?) 2,1 in three-dimensional projective space,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 5, Kaliningrad (1974), pp. 159?170.
[128] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Fibred degenerate congruences of pairs of figures, generated by a conic and a point,? in: Sixth All-Union Geometry Conference on Contemporary Problems of Geometry [in Russian], Vilnius (1975), pp. 217?218.
[129] E. V. Skrydlova, ?A class of degenerate congruences of quadratic pairs,? Ukr. Geom. Sb., No. 18, 126?135 (1975).
[130] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Degenerate congruences of pairs of conics,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 6, Kaliningrad (1975), pp. 169?181.
[131] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Degenerate congruences of the second order of pairs of conics,? in: All-Union Scientific Conference on Noneuclidean Geometry ?150 Years of Lobachevskiian Geometry? Kazan. Abstracts of Reports [in Russian], Moscow (1976), p. 183.
[132] E. V. Skrydlova, ?Degenerate congruences of the second kind, generated by a pair of conics,? in: Differential Geometry of Manifolds of Figures [in Russian], Vol. 7, Kaliningrad (1976), pp. 99?104.
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