
Operational calculus. (English) Zbl 0451.44003


44A40 Calculus of Mikusiński and other operational calculi
00A15 Bibliographies for mathematics in general
34A25 Analytical theory of ordinary differential equations: series, transformations, transforms, operational calculus, etc.
46F12 Integral transforms in distribution spaces
44-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to integral transforms


Zbl 0407.44002
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[1] V. M. Amerbaev, Operational Calculus and Generalized Laguerre Series [in Russian], Nauka, Alma-Ata (1974).
[2] P. Antosik, J. Mikusi?ski, and R. Sikorski, Theory of Distributions. The Sequential Approach, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1973).
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[16] V. A. Ditkin and A. P. Prudnikov, ?Operational calculus of certain differential operators,? in: Problems in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1971), pp. 75?85.
[17] V. A. Ditkin and A. P. Prudnikov, ?On a method for constructing an operational calculus,? Inzh.-Fiz. Zh.,24, No 6, 1114?1117 (1973).
[18] V. A. Ditkin and A. P. Prudnikov, Integral Transforms and Operational Calculus [in Russian], 2nd. aug. ed., Nauka, Moscow (1974). · Zbl 0133.06202
[19] V. A. Ditkin and A. P. Prudnikov, Operational Calculus. A Textbook for Students of Higher Technological Institutions [in Russian], 2nd. aug. ed., Vysshaya Shkola, Moscow (1975).
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[21] N. S. Efimova, ?Obtaining of double asymptotic expansions by using operational calculus,? in: Applied Aspects of Mathematical Analysis [in Russian], Tula (1972), pp. 46?60.
[22] I. D. Zolotarev, ?On the possibility of simplifying the implementation of the inverse Laplace transform (the case of multiple poles),? Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 10, Ser. Tekh. Nauk, Issue 3, 162?166 (1964).
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[28] S. T. Koprinski, ?Algebraic method for seeking the originals of the operator-valued functions \(e^{ - k\sqrt {p_p j + 1} } \) and \(e^{ - k\sqrt p _{/p} j + 1_{\sqrt p } } \) under the Laplace transform,? Godishn. Vissh. Tekh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat.,8, No. 1, 195?206 (1972(1973)).
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[33] A. P. Litvinov, ?Matrix method for determining the direct z-transform from a given Laplace transform,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 1, 205?212 (1973).
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[47] V. B. Poruchikov, ?On a formula of operational calculus,? Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Mat., Mekh., No. 5, 103?104 (1968). · Zbl 0164.42803
[48] A. P. Prudnikov, ?On the existence of singular points in functions representable by the Laplace integral,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR,12, No. 3, 230?234 (1968).
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[64] L. Schwartz, Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1966). · Zbl 0151.34001
[65] V. S. Shishov, Operational Calculus with Application to Solving Transport Problems. Synopsis of Lectures [in Russian], Mosk. Inst. Inzh. Zhelez.-Dorog. Transport., Moscow (1975).
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[67] R. Adachi, ?Operational calculus for difference methods,? Kumamoto J. Sci., Ser. A,7, 5?12 (1965). · Zbl 0158.13306
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