
Categories. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0402.18001

J. Sov. Math. 7, 532-586 (1977); translation from Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser. Algebra Topologiya Geom. 13, 51-147 (1975).


18-XX Category theory; homological algebra
18-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to category theory
18C10 Theories (e.g., algebraic theories), structure, and semantics
18C15 Monads (= standard construction, triple or triad), algebras for monads, homology and derived functors for monads
18D05 Double categories, \(2\)-categories, bicategories and generalizations (MSC2010)
18B25 Topoi
18D15 Closed categories (closed monoidal and Cartesian closed categories, etc.)


Zbl 0294.18001
Full Text: DOI


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