
Semi-Markov processes and their applications. (English) Zbl 0338.60061


60K15 Markov renewal processes, semi-Markov processes
60-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to probability theory
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[1] V. V. Anisimov, ?Multidimensional limit theorems for semi-Markov processes with a countable set of states,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 3, 3?15 (1970). · Zbl 0228.60039
[2] V. V. Anisimov, ?Limit theorems for semi-Markov processes. I, II,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 2, 3?21 (1970). · Zbl 0222.60057
[3] V. V. Anisimov, ?Limit theorems for semi-Markov processes with a countable set of states,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,193, No. 3, 503?505 (1970). · Zbl 0228.60039
[4] V. V. Anisimov, ?Limiting distributions of functionals of a semi-Markov process defined on a fixed set of states up to the first exit time,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,193, No. 4, 743?745 (1970). · Zbl 0228.60040
[5] V. V. Anisimov, ?Limit theorems for sums of random variables defined on a subset of the states of a Markov chain up to the first exit time in the series scheme,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 4, 18?26 (1971). · Zbl 0225.60014
[6] V. V. Anisimov, ?Limit theorems for sums of random variables on a Markov chain related to exit from a set formed in the limit,? Teor. Veriyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 4, 3?17 (1971). · Zbl 0225.60013
[7] V. V. Anisimov, ?Deyaki teoremi pro granichi razpodili sum vipadkovikh velichin, zv’yazanikh v odnoridnii lantsyug Markova,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR,A, No. 2, 99?103 (1970).
[8] V. V. Anisimov, ?Multidimensional limit theorems for Markov chains with a finite number of states,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,204, No. 3, 519?521 (1972).
[9] V. V. Anisimov, ?Some limit theorems for semi-Markov process with a countable set of states in the series scheme,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 6, 3?13 (1972).
[10] V. V. Anisimov, ?On the limiting behavior of a semi-Markov process with a decomposable set of states,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,206, No. 4, 777?779 (1972). · Zbl 0266.60066
[11] G. L. Arsenishvili, ?Deyaki pitaniya teorii skladnikh napivmarkovs’kikh protsesiv,? Abstr. of Proc. of the 5th Sci. Tech. Conf. of Young Mathematicians of the Ukraine [in Russian], Kiev (1970).
[12] G. L. Arsenishvili, ?Certain questions from the theory of semi-Markov processes of r-th order,? in: Questions in the Development and Introduction of Facilities for Computer Techniques [in Russian], Tbilisi (1970), pp. 128?132.
[13] G. L. Arsenishvili, ?Some questions in the theory of semi-Markov processes of the r-th order,? Proc. of the 3rd Conf. of Young Scientists and Aspirants [in Russian], TNIISA (1970).
[14] G. L. Arsenishvili, ?On a certain class of functionals for complex semi-Markov processes with discrete mixing of occurrence,? Sakartveloc SSR Metsnierebata Akademiis Moambe, Soobshch. Akad. Nauk GrusSSR,58, No. 1, 25?28 (1970).
[15] G. L. Arsenishvili and I. I. Ezhov, ?On a limit theorem for semi-Markov processes of r-th order,? Sakartvelos SSR Metsnierebata Akademiis Moambe, Soobshch. Akad. Nauk GruzSSR,53, No. 1, 25?28 (1969).
[16] G. L. Arsenishvili and I. I. Ezhov, ?On a generalization of Markov chains with semi-Markov mixing of occurrence,? Sakartvelos SSR Metsnierebata Akademiis Moambe, Soobshch. Akad. Nauk GruzSSR,54, No. 2, 285?288 (1969).
[17] G. L. Arsenishvili and I. I. Ezhov, ?On the distribution of the sojourn time in a region given by a semi-Markov process of r-th order,? Tbilisis Universiteti Gamokkhenibiti Matematikis Instituti. Shromebi, Tr. Inst. Prikl. Mat., Tbilic. In-ta., No. 2, 151?157 (1969).
[18] V. V. Baklan, ?An ergodic theorem for Markov processes with discrete mixing of occurrence,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,19, No. 5, 123?126 (1967).
[19] Yu. K. Belyaev, ?Ruled Markov processes and their application to problems of reliability theory,? Proc. of the 6th All-Union Conf. on Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, 1960 [in Russian], Gos. Izd. Polit. i Nauch. Lit. LitSSR (1962), pp. 309?323.
[20] S. M. Brodi, ?On a limit theorem in the theory of bulk servicing,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,15, No. 1, 76?79 (1963). · Zbl 0117.36002 · doi:10.1007/BF02538049
[21] S. M. Brodi, ?Investigation of systems of bulk servicing by means of semi-Markov processes,? Kibernetika, No. 6, 55?58 (1965).
[22] S. M. Brodi and O. N. Vlasenko, ?Reliability of systems with several working regimes,? in: Theory of Reliability and Bulk Servicing [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1969), pp. 165?171.
[23] S. M. Brodi, O. N. Vlasenko, and V. G. Marchenko, Estimation and Planning of Reliability Tests of Systems, Nauk. Dumka, Kiev (1970).
[24] S. M. Brodi and V. D. Shpak, ?Application of associated semi-Markov processes in the analysis of system reliability. I,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 90?96 (1970). · Zbl 0229.90012
[25] V. Ya. Valakh and V. S. Korolyuk, ?Stochastic automata with random reaction time and their functioning in random media,? in: Automata, Hybridized and Control Machines [in Russian], Nauka, (1972) Moscow (1972) 38?45. · Zbl 0307.94048
[26] O. P. Vinogradov, ?The problem of the distribution of maximum line length and its application,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,13, No. 2, 366?375 (1968).
[27] O. P. Vinogradov, ?Limiting distributions for the moment of first demand loss in a bulk servicing queue with a restricted number of waiting sites,? Matem. Zemetki,3, No. 5, 541?546 (1968).
[28] O. P. Vinogradov, ?The distribution of maximum line length in a bulk servicing queue,? Aikakan SSR Gitutyunneri Akademiai Tegekagir. Matematika, Izv. Akad. Nauk ArmSSR,3, No. 3, 257?262 (1969).
[29] O. V. Viskov, ?On a bulk servicing system with Markovian dependence between arrival of demands,? Trans. 4th Prague Conf. Inform. Theory, Statist. Decis. Funct. Random Process., 1965, Prague (1967), pp. 627?634.
[30] O. V. Viskov, ?Two asymptotic formulas in the theory of bulk servicing,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,9, No. 1, 177?178 (1964). · Zbl 0154.43501
[31] O. V. Viskov, ?On the waiting time in a mixed system of bulk servicing,? Tr. Matem. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,71, 26?34 (1964).
[32] O. V. Viskov and A. I. Ismailov, ?A system of bulk servicing with restricted line length,? Nauch. Tr. Tashkent. Univ., No. 402, 17?29 (1972).
[33] T. Gergei, I. I. Ezhov, and I. N. Tskukanov, ?Markov chains governing complex renewal process,? in: Theory of Optimal Solutions, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 93?109.
[34] T. Gergei, I. I. Ezhov, and I. N. Tskukanov, ?Pro stataionarnii rozpodil staniv odniei sistemi masovogo obslugovuvaniya,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR,A, No. 10, 876?878, 955 (1971).
[35] I. B. Gertsbakh, ?Formulation of certain optimal problems in reliability theory,? LatvRSR Zin?tnu Akad. Vestis, Izv. Akad. Nauk LatvSSR, No. 8, 25?31 (1963).
[36] I. B. Gertsbakh, Models of Prophylaxis (Theoretical Foundations of Planning Prophylactic Work) [in Russian], Sov. Radio, Moscow (1969).
[37] I. B. Gertsbakh, ?Optimal control of a semi-Markov process with restrictions on the probability of states,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 56?61 (1970).
[38] B. V. Gnedenko, ?On unloaded duplication,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 4, 3?12 (1964).
[39] B. V. Gnedenko and I. N. Kovalenko, Introduction to the Theory of Bulk Servicing, Nauka, Moscow (1966).
[40] L. G. Gubenko and É. S. Shtatland, ?On controllable semi-Markov processes,? Kibernetika, No. 2, 26?29 (1972).
[41] D. V. Gusak and V. S. Korolyuk, ?The asymptotic behavior of semi-Markov processes with a decomposable set of states,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 5, 43?50 (1971). · Zbl 0234.60105
[42] V. E. Dikarev, ?Investigation of reliability of renewal systems by the method of Markov processes with discrete mixing of occurrence,? in: Complex Systems and Modeling, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 22?32.
[43] V. E. Dikarev, ?Servicing a set of complex systems,? in: Teor. Kibernetika, No. 3, Kiev (1970), pp. 80?97.
[44] V. E. Dikarev, ?Strategies for prophylactic servicing of a system with incomplete checking of its working capability,? in: Mathematical Methods of Investigating and Optimizing Systems [in Russian], No. 4, Kiev (1970), pp. 25?36.
[45] V. A. Dobryden’, ?Optimal observation of a semi-Markov process,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 4, 47?49 (1971).
[46] I. I. Ezhov, ?On the time of reaching a given region in the case of a Markov chain with discrete incidence of occurrence,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR, No. 7, 851?854 (1966).
[47] I. I. Ezhov, ?Markov chains with discrete incidence of occurrence forming a semi-Markov process,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,18, No. 1, 48?65 (1966). · Zbl 0183.23402 · doi:10.1007/BF02537713
[48] I. I. Ezhov, ?An ergodic theorem for Markov processes describing general systems of bulk servicing,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 79?81 (1966).
[49] I. I. Ezhov, ?Ergodic theorems for Markov processes with discrete incidence of occurrence,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR, No. 5, 579?582 (1966).
[50] I. I. Ezhov, ?On a generalization of renewal processes,? Visnik Kiev Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh., No. 10, 55?59 (1968). · Zbl 0278.60046
[51] I. I. Ezhov, ?On the distribution of the minimum of a semi-Markov process describing a queue with waiting time,? in: Reliability and Effectiveness of Discrete Systems [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1968), pp. 27?45.
[52] I. I. Ezhov, ?An ergodic theorem for stochastic processes with semi-Markov incidence occurrence,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,20, No. 3, 384?388 (1968).
[53] I. I. Ezhov, ?On the distribution of the quantity of skipping a given level by the sequence of maxima of random variables governed by a Markov chain,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,21, No. 6, 831?836 (1969).
[54] I. I. Ezhov, T. Gergei, and I. N. Tsukanov, ?The sojourn times of Markov chains governing a complex renewal process in a given region,? in: Theory of Optimal Solutions, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 99?108.
[55] I. I. Ezhov and V. S. Korolyuk, ?Semi-Markov processes and their Applications,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 58?65 (1967). · Zbl 0183.23403
[56] I. I. Ezhov and G. I. Prizva, ?On a generalization of Markov chains with continuous time,? Visnik Kiev Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh., No. 5, 145?152 (1966).
[57] I. I. Ezhov and G. I. Prizva, ?Some limit theorems for functions of sums of random variables governing a Markov chain,? Kibernetika, No. 3, 63?67 (1969).
[58] I. I. Ezhov and A. V. Skorokhod, ?Markov processes homogeneous in the second component. I,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,14, No. 1, 3?14 (1969). · Zbl 0281.60067
[59] I. I. Ezhov and A. V. Skorokhod, ?Markov processes homogeneous in the second component. II,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,14, No. 4, 679?692 (1969).
[60] O. K. Zakusilo, ?Sparse semi-Markov processes,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 6, 54?59 (1972). · Zbl 0293.60086
[61] A. F. Zubova, ?On cold reserve with renewal,? Avtomatika i Telemekhanika,26, No. 10, 1800?1808 (1965).
[62] L. M. Kovaleva, ?On the sojourn time of two independent semi-Markov processes in a given state,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,20, No. 6, 837?841 (1968).
[63] L. M. Kovaleva, ?On the sojourn time in a given state of the simplest semi-Markov system,? Teoriya Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 1, 100?108 (1970).
[64] V. S. Korolyuk, ?Sojourn times of a semi-Markov process in a fixed set of states,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,17, No. 3, 123?128 (1965). · Zbl 0135.19003 · doi:10.1007/BF02527369
[65] V. S. Korolyuk, ?On the asymptotic behavior of the sojourn time of a semi-Markov process in a subset of states,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,21, No. 6, 842?845 (1969).
[66] V. S. Korolyuk, L. I. Polishchuk, and A. A. Tomusyak, ?On a limit theorem for semi-Markov processes,? Kibernetika, No. 4, 144?145 (1969).
[67] V. S. Korolyuk and A. A. Tomusyak, ?Description of the functioning of reserve systems by means of semi-Markov processes,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 55?59 (1965). · Zbl 0156.18604
[68] V. S. Korolyuk and A. A. Tomusyak, ?On certain stationary characteristics of semi-Markov processes,? Kibernetika, No. 5, 65?68 (1971). · Zbl 0236.60058
[69] V. S. Korolyuk and A. F. Turbin, ?On the asymptotic behavior of the sojourn time of a semi-Markov process in a reducible subset of states,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 2, 133?143 (1970).
[70] V. S. Korolyuk and A. F. Turbin, ?On a method of proving limit theorems for certain functionals of semi-Markov processes,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,24, No. 2, 234?240 (1972). · Zbl 0263.60043
[71] B. P. Kredentser, ?On the optimal loading of a two-priority system of servicing with waiting time,? Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, No. 9, 145?150 (1970).
[72] B. P. Kredentser, ?Estimates of the reliability of systems with unit and time surpluses and instantaneous detection of failures,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 4, 58?69 (1971).
[73] T. K. Kukjta, ?Determination of the probability of loss by means of semi-Markov processes,? in: Complex Systems and Modeling, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 1, Kiev (1968), pp. 67?73.
[74] G. Sh. Lev, ?On the convergence of semi-Markov multiplication processes with drift to a diffusion process,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,17, No. 3, 583?588 (1972).
[75] G. Sh. Lev, ?Semi-Markov multiplication processes with drift,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,17, No. 1, 160?166 (1972).
[76] Ya. A. Matviishin and L. N. Suchkov, ?On a problem of optimal control of a semi-Markov object,? in: Complex Systems and Modeling, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 42?49.
[77] V. G. Morozov, ?On topological methods of studying finite semi-Markov automata,? in: Automata, Hybridized and Control Machines, [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1972), pp. 50?59.
[78] P. I. Popov and A. P. Cherenkov, ?An asymptotic method of estimating the reliability of Markov systems,? in: Theory of Reliability and Bulk Servicing [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1969), pp. 178?183. 183.
[79] E. L. Presman, ?The sojourn time of a certain system in an improper state,? Tr. Matem. Inst., Akad. Nauk SSSR,71, 78?81 (1964).
[80] G. I. Prizva, ?On the distribution of some functionals of sums of random variables controlled by a Markov chain,? Reports of the All-Union Inter-Institutional Symposium on Applied Mathematics and Cibernetics, Gor’kii (1967).
[81] G. I. Prizva, ?On a limit theorem for a semi-Markov process,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR,A, No. 9, 820?824 (1967).
[82] G. I. Prizva, ?On a generalization of renewal functions,? Proc. of the IV Republic Conference of Young Ukrainian Mathematicians, Kiev (1968). · Zbl 0165.19603
[83] G. I. Prizva, ?An ergodic theorem for a class of Markov processes,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR,A, No. 8, 720?723 (1968).
[84] G. I. Prizva and S. N. Simonova, ?On the distribution of the first jump,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,19, No. 3, 117?121 (1967). · Zbl 0221.60060
[85] V. V. Rykov and M. A. Yastrebenetskii, ?Regenerative processes with several types of regeneration points,? in: Large Servicing, Reliability [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1970), pp. 203?208.
[86] V. V. Rykov and M. A. Yastrebenetskii, ?On regenerative processes with several types of regeneration points,? Kibernetika,3, 82?86 (1971).
[87] I. Sapagovas, ?On the convergence of sums of Markov renewal processes to a Poisson process,? Lit. Matem. Sb.,6, No. 2, 271?277 (1966).
[88] I. Sapagovas, ?On the convergence of sums of Markov renewal processes to a multi-dimensional Poisson process,? Lit. Matem. Sb.,9, No. 4, 817?826 (1969).
[89] D. S. Silvestrov, ?The asymptotic behavior of the attainment time for sums of random variables controlled by a regular semi-Markov process,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,189, No. 5, 949?951 (1969).
[90] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Granichni rozpodili dlya vipadkovogo blukaniya na pryamii zv’yazanogo v lantsyug Markova,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk URSR,A, No. 4, 326?329 (1970).
[91] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for a discrete random walk on a half line controlled by a Markov chain. I,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 1, 193?204 (1970).
[92] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for a discrete random walk on a half line controlled by a Markov chain. II,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 2, 158?166 (1970).
[93] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for a continuous random walk on a half line controlled by a Markov process with two states in the series scheme. I,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 1, 205?215 (1970).
[94] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for a continuous random walk on a half line controlled by a Markov process with two states in the series scheme. II,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 2, 167?171 (1970).
[95] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for semi-Markov processes and their applications. I,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 3, 155?172 (1970).
[96] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for semi-Markov processes and their applications. II,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 3, 173?194 (1970).
[97] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for functionals of processes of partial sums of random variables defined by a semi-Markov process with a finite set of states,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,195, No. 5, 1036?1038 (1970).
[98] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for semi-Markov processes,? Dopovidi Akad. URSR,A, No. 11, 987?989 (1971).
[99] D. S. Silvestrov, Semi-Markov Processes with a Discrete Set of States, Izd. Kiev. Univ., Kiev (1971).
[100] D. S. Silvestrov, ?Limit theorems for semi-Markov schemes of summation. I,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 4, 153?170 (1971).
[101] D. S. Silvestrov, ?On the convergence of weakly dependent processes in the uniform topology. I,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 6, 109?117 (1972).
[102] D. S. Silvestrov, ?On the convergence of weakly dependent processes in the uniform topology. II,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 7, 132?145 (1972).
[103] S. N. Simonova, ?On a multi-line system with losses and an incoming semi-Markov flow of demands,? Kibernetika, No. 6, 48?53 (1967).
[104] A. D. Solov’ev, ?Asymptotic distribution of the life time of a duplicated element,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 5, 119?121 (1964).
[105] A. D. Solov’ev, ?Reserve with rapid renewal,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 1, 56?71 (1970).
[106] L. N. Suchkov, ?Optimization of the reliability characteristics of complex systems by means of controlling semi-Markov processes,? in: Materials of the 4th Republic Scientific Conference of Young Researchers in System Techniques, 1969 [in Russian], Vol. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 89?92.
[107] L. N. Suchkov, ?Optimization of the sojourn time of a semi-Markov process in a fixed set of states,? in: Complex Systems and Modelling, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 67?73.
[108] L. N. Suchkov, ?Optimization of the reliability indices of complex systems whose functioning is representable by semi-Markov processes,? in: Complex Systems and Modelling, Proc. of the Seminar [in Russian], No. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 33?41.
[109] M. G. Teplitskii, ?Finding the optimum servicing discipline for a system of bulk servicing with a controlled working regime of the units,? Avtomatika i Vychisl. Tekhn., No. 6, 61?65 (1968).
[110] A. A. Tomusyak, Pro dostatni umovi i sposib znakhodzhennya ergodichnogo rozpodilu napivmar-kovs’kogo protsesu. Zvitno-naukova konferentsiya kafedr Kiivs’kogo pedinstitutu. Tezi depofidei, Kiev (1966).
[111] A. A. Tomusyak, Chas perebuvannya napivmarkovs’kogo protsesu na zchislenii mnozhini staniv. Zvitno-naukova konferentsiya kafedr Kiivs’kogo pedinstitutu. Tezi dopovidei, Kiev (1967).
[112] A. A. Tomusyak, ?Computation of the ergodic distribution of Markov and semi-Markov processes,? Kibernetika, No. 1, 68?71 (1969).
[113] A. A. Tomusyak, ?Pro odnu zadacy proektuvannya reservovanik sistem z vidnovlennyam,? Visnik Kiiv. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh., No. 12, 96?99 (1970).
[114] A. F. Turbin, ?Application of the perturbation theory of linear operators to solution of some problems related to Markov chains and semi-Markov processes,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Mat, Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 6, 118?128 (1972).
[115] A. F. Turbin, ?On the asymptotic behavior of the sojourn time of a semi-Markov process in a reducible subset of states. The linear case,? Teor, Veroyatn. i Mat. Stat. Mezhved. Nauch. Sb., No. 4, 179?194 (1971).
[116] I. A. Ushakov, ?On the calculation of the average stationary sojourn time of a semi-Markov process in a subset of states,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 4, 62?65 (1969).
[117] P. Franken, ?Refinement of a limit theorem for the superposition of independent renewal processes,? Teor. Veroyatn. i Primen.,8, No. 3, 341?349 (1963).
[118] Z. S. Khalil’, ?On a problem of reserve with renewal,? Elektron. Informationsverarh und Kybernet.,4, No. 5, 327?340 (1968).
[119] M. A. Yastrebenetskii, ?On a class of regenerative random processes,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibernetika, No. 5, 50?60 (1969).
[120] M. A. Yastrebenetskii, ?On the convergences of sums of Markov renewal processes to a branching Poisson process,? Kibernetika, No. 1, 95?98 (1972).
[121] P. M. Anselone, ?Ergodic theory for discrete semi-Markov chains,? Duke Math. J.,27, No. 1, 33?40 (1960). · Zbl 0104.37001 · doi:10.1215/S0012-7094-60-02703-4
[122] R. E. Barlow, ?Applications of semi-Markov processes to counter problems,? Studies in Appl. Prob. and Manag. Sci., Stanford Univ. Press, Stanford, Calif. (1962), pp. 34?62.
[123] R. E. Barlow and F. Proschan, Mathematical Theory of Reliability, Wiley, New York (1965). · Zbl 0132.39302
[124] S. M. Berman, ?Note on extreme values, competing risks, and semi-Markov processes,? Ann. Math. Stat.,34, No. 3, 1104?1106 (1963). · Zbl 0203.21702 · doi:10.1214/aoms/1177704036
[125] Bhat U. Narayan, ?Imbedded Markov chain analysis of a single server bulk queue,? J. Austral. Math. Soc.,4, No. 2, 244?263 (1964). · Zbl 0124.34203 · doi:10.1017/S1446788700023454
[126] V. R. Cane, ?Behavior sequences as semi-Markov chains,? J. Roy. Statist. Soc.,B21 (1959).
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