
Probabilistic automata. (English) Zbl 0457.68045


68Q45 Formal languages and automata
68-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to computer science
68S05 Mathematical linguistics [See also 03B65, 92K20] (MSC1991)
68W99 Algorithms in computer science


Zbl 0444.68041
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[1] G. A. Agasandyan and V. G. Sragovich, ?On the structural synthesis of probabilistic automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 6, 121?125 (1971).
[2] V. N. Agafonov and Ya. M. Barzdin’, ?On sets related to probabilistic machines,? Z. Math. Log. Grundl. Math.,20, No. 6, 481?498 (1974). · Zbl 0343.02028 · doi:10.1002/malq.19740203102
[3] G. P. Agibalov, ?Recognition of operators realizable in linear autonomous automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 3, 99?108 (1970).
[4] G. P. Agibalov and Ya. G. Yufat, ?On simple experiments for linear initial automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 2, 17?19 (1972).
[5] Yu. A. Al’pin, ?On decompositions produced by probabilistic automata,? in: Probabilistic Automata and Their Applications [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 23?26.
[6] Yu. A. Al’pin, ?The condition of stability of probabilistic automata,? in: Probabilistic Methods and Cybernetics, No. 9, Kazan. Univ. (1971), pp. 3?5.
[7] Yu. A. Al’pin and R. G. Bukharaev, ?On a sufficient condition for the nonrepresentability of languages in finite probabilistic automata,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,223, No. 4 (1975).
[8] G. L. Areshyan and G. B. Marandzhyan, ?On some questions in the theory of probabilistic automata,? Tr. Vychisl. Tsentra Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR Erevan. Univ., No. 2, 73?81 (1964). · Zbl 0192.08103
[9] Yu. M. Afanas’ev, A. M. Krysanov, and Yu. P. Letunov, ?Sequential decomposition of probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 3, 84?88 (1973).
[10] A. S. Barashko and A. M. Bogomolov, ?On experiments and automata with a source of random signals at input,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 3, 6?14 (1969).
[11] Ya. M. Barzdin’, ?On computability on probabilistic machines,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,189, No. 4, 699?702 (1969).
[12] O. S. Belokon’, ?Investigation of convergence processes in the simplest systems of probabilistic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 1, 46?50 (1972).
[13] O. S. Belokon’, ?Analysis of the structure of the companion matrix in a system of finite probabilistic automata,? Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Inst. Kibern. Sekts. Mat. Metody Issled. Optimiz. Sistem, Preprint 73-42, Kiev (1973).
[14] A. M. Bogomolov and V. A. Tverdokhlebov, ?On experiments with probabilistic automata,? in: Kibernetika, Donetskoe Otd., Tr. Sem., No. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 34?40.
[15] R. G. Bukharaev, ?On the imitation of probabilistic distributions,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,123, No. 6, 56?67 (1963).
[16] R. G. Bukharaev, ?On controllable generators of random variables,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,123, No. 6, 68?87 (1963).
[17] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Some equivalences in the theory of probabilistic automata,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,124, No. 2, 45?65 (1964). · Zbl 0149.01303
[18] R. G. Bukharaev, ?A criterion for the representability of events in finite probabilistic automata,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,164, No. 2, 289?291 (1965). · Zbl 0151.24901
[19] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Automatic transformation of probabilistic sequences,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,125, No. 6, 24?33 (1966).
[20] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Two corrections to the paper ?Some equivalence in the theory of probabilistic automata,?? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,125, No. 6, 110 (1966).
[21] R. G. Bukharaev, ?On the representability of events in probabilistic automata,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,127, No. 3, 7?20 (1967).
[22] R. G. Bukharaev, ?The theory of probabilistic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 2, 6?23 (1968). · Zbl 0177.45605
[23] R. G. Bukharaev, ?On the problem of minimization of the input of a probabilistic automaton generating a homogeneous finite Markov chain,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,129, No. 4, 3?11 (1969).
[24] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Criteria for the representability of events in finite probabilistic automata,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,164, No. 2, 289?291 (1965).
[25] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Criteria for the representability of events infinite probabilistic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 1, 8?17 (1969).
[26] R. G. Bukharaev, Probabilistic Automata [in Russian], Kazan State Univ. (1970).
[27] R. G. Bukharaev, ?The abstract theory of probabilistic automata,? in: Probabilistic Automata and Their Applications [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 9?22. · Zbl 0226.94047
[28] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Problems of synthesis of probabilistic transformers,? in: Probabilistic Automata and Their Applications [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 61?75.
[29] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Automatic synthesis of a controllable generator of random codes,? in: Probabilistic Automata and Their Applications [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 97?101.
[30] R. G. Bukharaev, ?Applied aspects of probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 9, 76?86 (1972).
[31] R. G. Bukharaev, ?The theory of abstract probabilistic automata,? in: Probl. Kibern., No. 30, Nauka, Moscow (1975), pp. 147?197.
[32] R. G. Bukharaev and R. R. Bukharaev, ?The topological method of reduction of automata,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat., No. 5, 31?39 (1974). · Zbl 0226.94047
[33] É. M. Vaisbrod and G. Sh. Rozenshtein, ?On the ?life? time of stochastic automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 4, 52?59 (1965).
[34] V. Ya. Valakh, ?Optimization of the behavior of finite and stochastic automata in random media,? in: Teor. Optimal’n. Reshenii. Tr. Sem., No. 3, Kiev (1967), pp. 3?29.
[35] V. Ya. Valakh, ?The time of residence of a stochastic automaton in the set of states with minimal penalty,? in: Teor. Avtom. Metody Formal’nogo Sinteza Vychisl. Mashin Sistem. Tr. Sem., No. 7, Kiev (1969), pp. 62?75.
[36] V. Ya. Valakh, ?On the question of an optimal stochastic automaton in a composite medium,? in: Teor. Optimal’n. Reshenii. Tr. Sem., No. 4, Kiev (1969), pp. 53?62.
[37] V. I. Varshavskii and I. P. Vorontsova, ?On the behavior of stochastic automata with variable structure,? Avtom. Telemekh.,24, No. 33, 353?360 (1963).
[38] V. I. Varshavskii and I. P. Vorontsova, ?Stochastic automata with variable structure,? in: Teor. Konechn. Veroyatn. Avtom., Nauka, Moscow (1965), pp. 301?308.
[39] V. I. Varshavskii and I. P. Vorontsova, ?The use of stochastic automata with variable structure for solving some problems of behavior,? in: Samoobuchayushchiesya Avtomt. Sistemy, Nauka, Moscow (1966), pp. 158?164.
[40] V. I. Varshavskii, I. P. Vorontsova, and M. L. Tsetlin, ?Teaching stochastic automata,? in: Biol. Aspekty Kibern., Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1962), pp. 192?197.
[41] L. N. Vasershtein, ?Markov processes on a countable product of spaces describing systems of automata,? Probl. Peredachi Inf.,5, No. 3, 64?72 (1969).
[42] Probabilistic Automata and Their Applications, Inst. Elektron. Vychisl. Tekh. Akad. Nauk Latv. SSR, Zinatne, Riga (1971).
[43] G. A. Volovnik, ?Construction of matrices of transition probabilities of finite automata with disturbances,? in: Nadezhn. Effektivn. Diskretn. Sistem, Zinatne, Riga (1968), pp. 147?159.
[44] I. P. Vorontsova, ?Algorithms for altering the transition probabilities of stochastic automata,? Probl. Peredachi Inf.,1, No. 3, 122?126 (1965).
[45] N. Z. Gabbasov, ?On the characteristics of events representable by finite probabilistic automata,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,130, No. 3, 18?27 (1970).
[46] G. G. Galustov, G. M. Pozdnyakov, and V. A. Zimovnov, ?Some results on modeling discerning probabilistic automata,? in: Vopr. Tekhn. Diagnostiki, Taganrog (1975), pp. 42?54.
[47] B. R. Geints, ?The stochastic computing machine,? Elektronika, No. 14 (1967).
[48] M. Gessel and Kh. D. Mondrov, ?On the question of processing random sequences by abstract automata,? in: Diskretn. Sistemy, Vol. 4, Zinatne, Riga (1975), pp. 7?12.
[49] A. Kh. Giorgadze, ?A method of constructing transition matrices for an automaton with stochastic stop elements,? Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,54, No. 1, 49?52 (1969).
[50] A. Kh. Giorgadze and L. V. Burshtein, ?Stochastic estimates of the decomposition of probabilistic automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 1, 138?145 (1974).
[51] A. Kh. Giorgadze and T. L. Dzhebashvili, ?On the question of decomposition of probabilistic automata,? Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,76, No. 2, 321?323 (1974). · Zbl 0363.68088
[52] A. Kh. Giorgadze and V. P. Zelentsov, ?Formulation of the problem of control of random processes,? in: Metody Predstavleniya Apparaturn. Analiz Sluchainykh Protsessov Polei, Vol. 1, Novosibirsk (1969), pp. 75?78.
[53] A. Kh. Giorgadze and A. G. Safiulina, ?On iterative decomposition of finite probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 9, 81?85 (1974). · Zbl 0309.94062
[54] A. Kh. Giorgadze and A. G. Safiulina, ?Methods of decomposition of probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 1?5 (1974).
[55] A. Kh. Giorgadze and A. G. Safiulina, ?On decomposition of probabilistic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 2, 6?11 (1975). · Zbl 0309.94062
[56] V. S. Gladkii, ?On the inversion of matrices on probabilistic automata,? in: Veroyatn. Avtom. Primen., Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 131?141.
[57] G. Glinskii, ?Theoretical informational problems of the theory of reliable automata,? in: Teor. Konechn. Veroyatn. Avtom., Nauka, Moscow (1965), pp. 280?300.
[58] V. B. Golovehenko, ?Self-organization of a collection of probabilistic automata with the two simplest behavioral ?motives,?? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 4, 151?156 (1974).
[59] V. B. Golovehenko, ?On the dynamics of the interacting probabilistic automata of Moore,? in: Avtomatizir. Sistemy Upr. (ASUP) ? Teoriya, Metodol. Modelirov., Tekhn. Sredstva, Irkutsk (1974), pp. 138?143.
[60] V. A. Gorbatov, A. M. Krysanov, and Yu. P. Letunov, ?Parallel decomposition of probabilistic automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 5, 112?120 (1972).
[61] A. P. Goryashko, ?The ?diffusion? model of the functioning of a probabilistic automaton,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 4, 133?136 (1972).
[62] V. B. Grigorenko, A. N. Rapoport, and E. I. Ronin, ?The investigation of learning systems realized in the form of probabilistic automata,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Radiofiz.,14, No. 7, 1026?1034 (1971).
[63] Ya. A. Dubrov, ?On the theory of noninitial probabilistic automata,? in: Teor. Avtom. Metody Formalizovan. Sinteza Vychisl. Mashin Sistem. Tr. Sem., No. 5, Kiev (1969), pp. 33?39.
[64] G. E. Zhuravlev and V. N. Veselov, ?Investigation of a forgetting automaton,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 4, 118?126 (1970).
[65] V. P. Zarovnyi, ?On the theory of infinite linear and quasilinear automata,? Kibernetika, No. 4, 5?17 (1971).
[66] Yasuesi Inagava, ?Probabilistic automata,? Suri Kacheku, Math. Sci.,9, No. 8, 39?40, 42?47 (1971).
[67] Yasuesi Inagava, ?Probabilistic automata,? Bull. Electrotech. Lab.,29, No. 6 (1965).
[68] N. P. Kandelaki and G. N. Tsertsvadze, ?On the behavior of certain classes of stochastic automata in random media,? Avtom. Telemekh.,24, No. 6, 115?119 (1966).
[69] N. P. Kandelaki and G. N. Tsertsvadze, ?Solution of the problem of localization of the characteristic numbers of matrices of automata possessing asymptotically optimal behavior in stationary random media,? Tr. Vychisl. Tsentra Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,9, No. 1, 144?149 (1969).
[70] A. K. Kel’mans, ?On the coherence of probabilistic schemes,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 3, 98?116 (1967).
[71] B. F. Kir’yanov, ?Equivalence of systems realizing stochastic principles of computation,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 5, 121?128 (1972).
[72] I. N. Kovalenko, ?A remark on the complexity of representing events in probabilistic and deterministic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 2, 35?36 (1965).
[73] G. Ya. Kostromin, ?On finding the impulse vector for a stochastic machine,? Redkollegya Zh. Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh. Akad. Nauk Latv. SSR, Riga (1972).
[74] B. S. Kochkarev, ?On the question of stability of probabilistic automata,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,127, No. 3, 82?87 (1967).
[75] B. S. Kochkarev, ?On the stability of probabilistic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 2, 24?30 (1968).
[76] B. S. Kochkarev, ?On verifying the feasibility of a sufficient condition for the stability of probabilistic automata,? in: Teor. Avtom. Sem., No. 4, Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, Kiev (1967), pp. 79?90; also Kibernetika, No. 4 (1969).
[77] B. S. Kochkarev, ?On the partial stability of probabilistic automata,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,182, No. 5, 1022?1025 (1968).
[78] B. S. Kochkarev, ?On a sufficient condition for the definiteness of an event represented by a probabilistic automaton,? Uch. Zap. Kazan. Gos. Univ.,129, No. 4, 12?20 (1969).
[79] A. I. Krysanov, ?Algorithms for parallel decomposition of probabilistic automata,? in: Ekon.-Mat. Metody Programmir. Plan. Ekon. Zadach, Moscow (1972), pp. 126?134.
[80] Yu. I. Kuklin, ?Two-sided probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 35?36 (1973).
[81] A. É. Kéévalik and G. É. Yakobson, ?On a means of decomposing autonomous probabilistic automata,? Tr. Tallin. Politekh. Inst., No. 350, 53?59 (1973).
[82] A. É. Kéévalik and G. É. Yakobson, ?A method of decomposing probabilistic automata,? in: Diskretn. Sistemy, Vol. 4, Zinatne, Riga (1974), pp. 13?21.
[83] V. G. Lazarev and V. M. Chentsov, ?On the question of obtaining a reduced form of a stochastic automaton,? in: Sintez Diskretn. Avtom. Upr. Ustroistv, Nauka, Moscow (1968).
[84] V. G. Lazarev and V. M. Chentsov, ?Use of stochastic automata for distributing information,? in: Avtom., Gibridn. Upr. Mashiny, Nauka, Moscow (1972), pp. 66?72.
[85] V. G. Lazarev and V. M. Chentsov, ?On minimizing the number of internal states of a stochastic automaton,? in: Sintez Diskretn. Avton. Upr. Ustroistv, Nauka, Moscow (1968), pp. 150?159.
[86] Ya. K. Lapin’sh, ?Minimization of probabilistic automata representing finite information media,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 1, 7?9 (1973).
[87] Ya. K. Lapin’sh, ?On nonstochastic languages obtained as the union or intersection of stochastic languages,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 4, 6?13 (1974).
[88] Ya. K. Lapin’sh and I. A. Metra, ?On a method of synthesis of transformers of probability distributions,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 4, 32?37 (1973).
[89] A. A. Larin, ?Basic concepts of the theory of ciphered automata,? in: Kibern. Avtom. Upr., Tr. Sem., No. 2, Kiev (1968), pp. 3?8.
[90] A. A. Larin, ?Basic concepts of the theory of probabilistic ciphered automata,? in: Avtom., Gibridn. Upr. Mashiny, Nauka, Moscow (1972), pp. 59?65.
[91] V. I. Levin, ?Determination of the characteristics of probabilistic automata with reverse channels,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 3, 107?110 (1966).
[92] V. I. Levin, ?An operational method of studying probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 1, 18?25 (1967).
[93] V. I. Levin, ?Multichannel probabilistic automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 6, 63?68 (1968).
[94] V. I. Levin, ?Analysis of the reliability of inhomogeneous Markov automata,? in: Nadezhn. Effektivn. Diskretn. Sistem, Zinatne, Riga (1968), pp. 141?145.
[95] K. de Leeuw, E. F. Moore, K. E. Shannon, and N. Shapiro, ?Computability on probabilistic machines,? in: Avtomaty [Russian translation], IL, Moscow (1956), pp. 281?305.
[96] A. A. Lorents, ?Some questions in the constructive theory of finite probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 57?80 (1967).
[97] A. A. Lorents, ?Generalized quasidefinite finite probabilistic automata and some algorithmic problems,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 1?8 (1968).
[98] A. A. Lorents, ?Questions of reducibility of finite probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 7, 4?13 (1969).
[99] A. A. Lorents, ?Synthesis of stable probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 4, 90?91 (1969).
[100] A. A. Lorents, ?Economy of states of finite probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 2, 1?9 (1969).
[101] A. A. Lorents, ?On the character of events representable in finite probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 3, 91?93 (1971). · Zbl 0221.94082
[102] A. A. Lorents, Elements of the Constructive Theory of Probabilistic Automata [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1972). · Zbl 0227.94037
[103] A. A. Lorents, ?Problems in the constructive theory of probabilistic automata,? in: Veroyatn. Avtom. Primen., Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 37?53.
[104] A. A. Lorents, Synthesis of Reliable Probabilistic Automata [in Russian], Zinatne, Riga (1975).
[105] A. A. Lorents, ?On the stability of finite probabilistic automata,? in: Teor. Konechn. Avtom. Ee Prilozhen., No. 3, Zinatne, Riga (1974), pp. 52?60.
[106] L. V. Makarevich, ?On attainability in probabilistic automata,? Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,53, No. 2, 293?296 (1969).
[107] A. A. Lorents, ?On the realizability of probability operators in logical networks,? in: Diskretn. Analiz, No. 15, Novosibirsk (1969), pp. 35?36.
[108] A. A. Lorents, ?The problem of completeness in the structure theory of probabilistic automata,? Kibernetika, No. 1, 17?30 (1971).
[109] A. A. Lorents, ?On the general approach to the structure theory of probabilistic automata,? in: Veroyatn. Avtom. Primen., Zinatne, Riga (1971).
[110] A. A. Lorents and A. Kh. Giorgadze, ?On the question of the structure theory of probabilistic automata,? Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,50, No. 1, 37?42 (1968).
[111] A. A. Lorents and A. A. Matevosyan, ?The transformation of random sequences in automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 8?13 (1970).
[112] A. A. Lorents and A. A. Matevosyan, ?Adjustable experiments with finite probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 8, 88?92 (1972).
[113] A. A. Lorents and A. A. Matevosyan, ?Ergodic automata,? Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,78, No. 2, 313?315 (1975).
[114] S. V. Makarov, ?On the realization of stochastic matrices by finite automata,? in: Vychisl. Sistemy, No. 9, Novosibirsk (1963), pp. 65?70.
[115] G. B. Marandzhyan, ?On distinguishing the most probable trajectories of Markov chains,? Sb. Nauchn. Tr. Erevan. Politekh. Inst.,24, 231?238 (1968).
[116] A. N. Maslov, ?Probabilistic Turing machines and recursive functions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,205, No. 5, 1018?1020 (1972). · Zbl 0268.02027
[117] A. A. Matevosyan, ?On the universal source of P-ary random sequences,? Inst. Kibern. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, Tbilisi (1974).
[118] L. P. Matyushkov, ?On the realization of autonomous stochastic automata,? Tr. I Resp. Konferentsii Matematikov Belorussii, 1964, Vysshaya Shkola, Minsk (1965), pp. 166?170.
[119] Boyan Metev, ?Some probabilistic automata with variable structure,? Tr. Mezhdunar. Sem. Prikl. Aspektam Teor. Avtom., Vol. 2, Varna (1971), pp. 442?449.
[120] I. A. Metra, ?Comparison of the number of states of probabilistic and deterministic automata representing given events,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 94?96 (1971).
[121] I. A. Metra, ?A stochastic calculator,? in: Veroyatn. Avtom. Primen., Zinatne, Riga (1971), pp. 33?36.
[122] I. A. Metra, ?On the enlargement of products of stochastic matrices,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 3, 20 (1972).
[123] I. A. Metra and A. A. Smilgais, ?On the definiteness and regularity of events represented by probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 4, 1?7 (1968).
[124] I. A. Metra and A. A. Smilgais, ?On some possibilities of representing nonregular events by probabilistic automata,? Latv. Mat. Ezhegodnik, No. 3, Zinatne, Riga (1968), pp. 253?261.
[125] A. A. Muchnik, ?General linear automata,? Probl. Kibern., No. 23, 171?208 (1970).
[126] A. A. Muchnik and A. N. Maslov, ?Regular, linear, and probabilistic events,? Tr. Mat. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,133, 149?168 (1973).
[127] M. B. Nevel’son and R. Z. Khas’minskii, ?On the stability of stochastic systems,? Probl. Peredachi Inf.,2, No. 3, 76?91 (1966).
[128] Yu. I. Neimark, V. P. Grigorenko, and A. N. Rapoport, ?On optimization by independent deterministic and stochastic automata,? in: Prikl. Mat. Kibernet. Mater. Vses. Mezhvuz. Simp. Prikl. Mat. Kibernt., Gorkii (1967), pp. 148?166.
[129] N. Ya. Parshenkov and V. M. Chentsov, ?On the question of minimization of a stochastic automaton,? Probl. Peredachi Inf.,5, No. 4, 81?83 (1969).
[130] N. Ya. Parshenkov and V. M. Chentsov, ?The stability of internal states of a probabilistic automaton,? Kibernetika, No. 6, 47?52 (1970).
[131] N. Ya. Parshenkov and V. M. Chentsov, ?On the theory of stochastic automata,? in: Diskretn. Avtom. Seti Svyazi, Nauka, Moscow (1970, pp. 141?184.
[132] N. Ya. Parshenkov and V. M. Chentsov, ?Some questions in the theory of probabilistic automata,? Tr. Mezhdunar. Simp. Prikl. Aspektam Teor. Avtom., Vol. 2, Varna (1971), pp. 454?463.
[133] N. Ya. Parshenkov and V. M. Chentsov, ?Questions in the theory of probabilistic automata,? in: Avtom. Upr. Setyami Svyazi, Nauka, Moscow (1971), pp. 180?202.
[134] K. M. Podnik, ?On profile points of some probabilistic automata,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 5, 90?91 (1970).
[135] A. S. Pozdnyak, ?Adaptive probabilistic automata,? in: VI Vses. Soveshch. po Probl. Upr., 1974, Ref. Dokl. Ch. I., Nauka, Moscow (1974), pp. 57?61.
[136] A. S. Pozdnyak, ?Investigation of the convergence of algorithms of self-teaching stochastic automata,? Avtom. Telemekh., No. 1, 88?103 (1975).
[137] D. A. Pospelov, ?On some problems of probabilistic logic,? Tr. Mosk. Energ. Inst., No. 42, 153?159 (1962).
[138] D. A. Pospelov, Probabilistic Automata [in Russian], Énergiya, Moscow (1970).
[139] Val. P. Pyatkin, Vyach. P. Pyatkin, and A. K. Romanov, ?On a problem of synthesis of probabilistic automata,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Tekh. Kibern., No. 4, 130?132 (1972).
[140] L. A. Rastrigin and K. K. Ripa, ?Statistical search as a probabilistic automaton,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 1, 50?55 (1971).
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