
Meromorphic functions. (English) Zbl 0335.30022


30D30 Meromorphic functions of one complex variable (general theory)
30D35 Value distribution of meromorphic functions of one complex variable, Nevanlinna theory
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[1] M. I. Andrashko, ?Extremal indicator of an entire function of order less than one with prescribed zeros,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, No. 7, 869?872 (1960).
[2] N. U. Arakelyan, ?Entire functions of finite order with an infinite number of deficient values,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 170, No. 5, 999?1002 (1966).
[3] N. U. Arakelyan, ?On a problem of Nevanlinna,? Matem. Zametki,3, No. 3, 357?360 (1968). · Zbl 0176.02801
[4] N. U. Arakelyan, ?Entire and analytic functions having bounded growth and infinitely many deficient values,? Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, Matem.,5, No. 6, 486?506 (1970).
[5] A. M. Badalyan, ?Representation of a class of functions meromorphic on the entire plane,? Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, Matem.,4, No. 6, 468?490 (1969).
[6] M. B. Balk, ?A theorem of Picard for doubly analytic functions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,152, No. 6, 1282?1285 (1963).
[7] M. B. Balk, ?Refinement of Picard’s theorem for certain classes of doubly analytic functions,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,4, No. 3, 297?301 (1964).
[8] M. B. Balk, ?Picard’s great theorem for entire doubly analytic functions,? Usp. Matem. Nauk,20, No. 2, 159?165 (1965).
[9] M. B. Balk, ?Picard theorems for doubly analytic functions,? Uchebn. Zap. Smolensk. Gos. Ped. Inst., No. 14, 39?54 (1965).
[10] M. B. Balk, ?Admissible values of entire polyanalytic functions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,167, No. 1, 12?15 (1966). · Zbl 0158.31704
[11] M. B. Balk, ?Entire polyanalytic functions with a finite number of zeros,? Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, Matem.,1, No. 5, 341?357 (1966).
[12] M. B. Balk, ?The Sokhotskii-Weierstrass theorem for entire polyanalytic functions,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,8, No. 2, 221?224 (1968).
[13] M. B. Balk, ?Entire reduced polyanalytic functions without zeros,? Uchebn. Zap. Smolensk. Gos. Ped. Inst., No. 20, 13?15 (1969).
[14] M. B. Balk, ?Corollaries to the factorization theorem for entire polyanalytic functions,? Uchebn. Zap. Smolensk. Gos. Ped. Inst., No. 20, 3?7 (1969).
[15] M. B. Balk and M. F. Zuev, ?On polyanalytic functions,? Usp. Matem. Nauk,25, No. 5, 203?226 (1970). · Zbl 0222.30041
[16] F. A. Baraket and A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Deficient nonasymptotic values of meromorphic functions of order one,? Sibirsk. Matem. Zh.,10, No. 3, 483?487 (1969).
[17] P. P. Belinskii, ?Behavior of a quasi-conformal map at an isolated point,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,91, No. 4, 709?710 (1953).
[18] P. P. Belinskii, ?Behavior of a quasi-conformal map at an isolated singular point,? Nauk. Zap. L’vovsk. Univ.,29, No. 6(1), 58?70 (1955).
[19] P. P. Belinskii and A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Application of a theorem on conformal maps to deficiency-invariance problems for meromorphic functions,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,6, No. 3, 263?269 (1954).
[20] R. Bott and S.-S. Chern, ?Hermitian vector bundles and the equidistribution of the zeros of their holomorphic sections? (Russian translation of [317]), Matematika,14, No. 2, 117?154 (1970). · Zbl 0208.35101
[21] G. Valiron, Analytic Functions [Russian translation], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1957), 235 pp.
[22] V. S. Videnskii, ?Weighted approximation on the real axis,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,92, No. 2, 217?220 (1953).
[23] H. Wittich, Recent Investigations of Single-Valued Analytic Functions (Russian translation of [833]), Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1960), 319 pp.
[24] L. I. Volkovyskii, G. L. Lunts, and I. G. Aramanovich, Collected Problems in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (university textbook) [in Russian], (2nd rev. ed.), Nauka, Moscow (1970), 319 pp.
[25] V. I. Gavrilov, ?On a theorem of Collingwood and Valiron,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk Beloruss. SSR,4, No. 11, 450?453 (1960).
[26] V. I. Gavrilov, ?Behavior of a holomorphic function in the neighborhood of an essential singularity,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,162, No. 3, 491?494 (1965). · Zbl 0161.26401
[27] V. I. Gavrilov, ?Remarks on a theorem of Collingwood and Valiron,? Vestnik Moskov. Univ., Matem. Mekhan., No. 6, 25?27 (1966).
[28] V. I. Gavrilov, ?Certain classes of meromorphic functions characterized by the spherical derivative,? in: Modern Problems in the Theory of Analytic Functions [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1966), pp. 70?73.
[29] V. I. Gavrilov, ?Behavior of a meromorphic function in the neighborhood of an essential singularity,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Matem.,30, No. 4, 767?788 (1966).
[30] V. I. Gavrilov, ?Certain classes of meromorphic functions characterized by the spherical derivative,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Matem.,32, No. 4, 735?742 (1968).
[31] A. O. Gel’fond, Calculus of Finite Differences [in Russian], (2nd ed.), Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1959), 400 pp.
[32] A. Gilis, ?Inhomogeneous linear system of differential-difference equations,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,11, No. 1, 77?92 (1971).
[33] N. V. Govorov, ?Indicator of functions of nonintegral order that are analytic and have completely regular growth in the half-plane,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,162, No. 3, 495?498 (1965). · Zbl 0156.29604
[34] N. V. Govorov, ?Extremal indicator of an entire function with negative zeros of prescribed upper and lower density,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, No. 2, 148?150 (1966).
[35] N. V. Govorov, ?Indicator of functions of integral order that are analytic and have completely regular growth in the half-plane,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,172, No. 4, 763?766 (1967). · Zbl 0167.35701
[36] N. V. Govorov, ?On a conjecture of Paley,? Funktsional. Analiz i Ego Prilozhen.,3, No. 2, 41?45 (1969).
[37] N. V. Govorov, ?Paley inequality for functions analytic in an angle,? in: Proc. All-Union Conf. Boundary-Value Problems [in Russian], Kazan Univ., Kazan (1970), pp. 78?82.
[38] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?A problem in the theory of the value distribution of meromorphic functions,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, No. 1, 3?5 (1954).
[39] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Influence of the caolescence of algebraic branch points of a Riemann surface on the order of growth of a meromorphic mapping function,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,98, No. 5, 709?711 (1954).
[40] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Deficiencies of meromorphic functions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,98, No. 6, 893?895 (1954).
[41] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?An inverse problem of the theory of the value distribution of meromorphic functions,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,6, No. 4, 385?397 (1954).
[42] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Some asymptotic properties of meromorphic functions,? Nauch. Zap. L’vovsk. Univ.,38, 54?74 (1956).
[43] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Single-valued integrals of first-order differential equations,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,8, No. 3, 254?261 (1956).
[44] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Example of an entire function of finite order with a deficient nonasymptotic value,? Nauch. Zap. Uzhgorodsk. Univ.,18, 191?194 (1957).
[45] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Estimate of the deficiency sum of a meromorphic function of order less than one,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,114, No. 2, 245?248 (1957).
[46] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?An inequality associated with functions convex with respect to the logarithm,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, No. 3, 227?230 (1957).
[47] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Remark on the Blaschke products for a half-plane,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,11, No. 2, 210?213 (1959). · Zbl 0126.29001 · doi:10.1007/BF02532222
[48] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?The set of deficient values of a meromorphic function of finite order,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,11, No. 4, 438?443 (1959). · Zbl 0090.28901 · doi:10.1007/BF02527547
[49] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?A class of Riemann surfaces,? Matem. Sb.,49, No. 4, 447?458 (1959).
[50] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Aspects of value distribution theory,? Appendix to the Russian edition of: H. Wittich, Recent Investigations of Single-Valued Analytic Functions, Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1960), pp. 263?300 (see [23, 833]).
[51] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Recent investigations of the Nevanlinna theory of the value distribution of meromorphic functions of finite order,? in: Contemporary Problems in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (Internat. Conf.) [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1960), pp. 406?417.
[52] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Meromorphic functions with distributed zeros and poles,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Matem., No. 4, 67?72 (1960); Erratum, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Matem., No. 6, 243 (1960).
[53] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Meromorphic functions with distributed zeros and poles,? Dokl. i Soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Matem. Nauk, No. 3, 72 (1960).
[54] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Value distribution of meromorphic functions with distributed zeros and poles,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,137, No. 5, 1030?1033 (1961).
[55] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?On a theorem of M. G. Krein,? Dokl. i Soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Matem. Nauk, No. 4, 106?108 (1961).
[56] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Remark on a theorem of Tumura-Clunie,? Dokl. i Soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Matem. Nauk, No. 4, 109?110 (1961).
[57] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Extremal indicator for an entire function with positive zeros,? Sibirsk. Matem. Zh.,3, No. 2, 170?177 (1962).
[58] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Integral with respect to semiadditive measure and its application to the theory of entire functions, I,? Matem. Sb.,58, No. 3, 289?334 (1962).
[59] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Extremal indicator for entire functions of integral order,? Dokl. i Soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Matem. Istor. Nauk, No. 5, 85?87 (1962).
[60] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Three applications of entire functions,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, No. 4, 443?446 (1963).
[61] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Growth of an entire function along a radius,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,152, No. 5, 1049?1050 (1963).
[62] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Integral with respect to semiadditive measure and its application to the theory of entire functions, II,? Matem. Sb.,61, No. 3, 334?349 (1963).
[63] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?On the possible value of the lower order of an entire function with a finite deficiency,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,159, No. 5, 968?970 (1964).
[64] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Integral with respect to semiadditive measure and its application to the theory of entire functions, III,? Matem. Sb.,65, No. 3, 414?453 (1964).
[65] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Lower order of an entire function with finite deficiency,? Sibirsk. Matem. Zh.,5, No. 1, 54?76 (1964).
[66] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Integral with respect to semiadditive measure and its application to the theory of entire functions, IV,? Matem. Sb.,66, No. 3, 411?457 (1965); Revision, Matem. Sb.,72, No. 4, 637 (1967).
[67] A. A., Gol’dberg, ?Growth of an entire function along a radial,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 1, 164?175 (1965).
[68] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Value distribution of the Weierstrass sigma function,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Matem., No. 1, 43?46 (1966).
[69] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Indicators of entire functions and the integral with respect to nonadditive measure,? in: Contemporary Problems in the Theory of Analytic Functions (Internat. Conf.) [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1966), pp. 88?93.
[70] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Deficient nonasymptotic values of meromorphic functions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,171, No. 2, 254?257 (1966). · Zbl 0181.08003
[71] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Deficient nonasymptotic values of entire functions of infinite order,? Matem. Zametki,1, No. 1, 81?86 (1967).
[72] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?A functional equation,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 5, 34?36 (1967); Remark, Ibid., No. 9, 143 (1969).
[73] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Value distribution of an entire function with respect to its arguments,? Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung.,19, Nos. 1?2, 191?199 (1968). · Zbl 0176.37203 · doi:10.1007/BF01894694
[74] A. A. Gol’dberg, ?Deficiencies of entire functions of completely regular growth,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 14, 88?101 (1971).
[75] A. A. Gol’dberg, B. Ya. Levin, and I. V. Ostrovskii, ?General theory of entire and meromorphic functions,? in: History of Soviet Mathematics [in Russian], Vol. 4, Book 1, Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1970), pp. 9?48.
[76] A. A. Gol’dberg and I. V. Ostrovskii, ?Some theorems on the growth of meromorphic functions,? Uchebn. Zap. Khar’kovsk. Univ.,115 (1961); Zap. Matem. Otd. Fiz.-Matem. Fak. i Khar’kovsk. Matem. Obshch.,27, Ser. 4, 3?37 (1961).
[77] A. A. Gol’dberg and I. V. Ostrovskii, ?New investigations of the growth and value distribution of entire and meromorphic functions of genus zero,? Usp. Matem. Nauk,16, No. 4, 51?62 (1961).
[78] A. A. Gol’dberg and I. V. Ostrovskii, The Distribution of Values of Meromorphic Functions [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1970), 592 pp.
[79] A. A. Gol’dberg and G. S. Prokopovich, ?On the simplicity of certain entire functions,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,22, No. 6, 813?817 (1970).
[80] A. A. Gol’dberg and V. G. Tairova, ?Analytic functions with two completely separated finite values,? Dokl. i Soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Matem. Istor. Nauk, No. 5, 87?88 (1962).
[81] A. A. Gol’dberg and V. G. Tairova, ?Entire functions with two completely separated finite values,? Uchebn. Zap. Khar’kovsk. Univ.,135, Zap. Mekhan.-Matem. Fak. i Khar’kovsk. Matem. Obshch.,29, 67?78 (1963).
[82] A. A. Gol’dberg and S. B. Tushkanov, ?Exceptional combinations of entire functions,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 13, 67?74 (1971).
[83] A. A. Gol’dberg and M. V. Shvalagin, ?Summation of certain series by means of residue theory,? Ukrainsk. Matem. Zh.,13, No. 2, 217?220 (1961). · Zbl 0100.28301 · doi:10.1007/BF02527288
[84] A. F. Grishin, ?Functions holomorphic and of order zero in an angle,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 1, 41?56 (1965).
[85] A. F. Grishin, ?Growth regularity of subharmonic functions,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 6, 3?29 (1968).
[86] A. F. Grishin, ?Growth regularity of subharmonic functions, III,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 7, 59?84 (1968).
[87] A. F. Grishin, ?Growth regularity of subharmonic functions, IV,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 8, 126?135 (1969).
[88] I. M. Dektyarev, ?Value distribution for a map of manifolds,? Matem. Sb.,78, No. 1, 124?128 (1969).
[89] I. M. Dektyarev, ?A general first main theorem in the theory of value distribution,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,193, No. 3, 518?520 (1970). · Zbl 0207.37901
[90] I. M. Dektyarev, ?Problems of the value distribution in more than one dimension,? Usp. Matem. Nauk,25, No. 6, 53?85 (1970). · Zbl 0223.32007
[91] M. M. Dzhrbashyan, ?Expansion of meromorphic functions into a generalized Maclaurin series,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,125, No. 4, 707?710 (1959). · Zbl 0105.05702
[92] M. M. Dzhrbashyan, ?Parametric representation of certain general classes of meromorphic functions in the unit disk,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,157, No. 5, 1024?1027 (1964).
[93] M. M. Dzhrbashyan, Integral Transforms and Representations of Functions in a Complex Domain [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1966), 671 pp.
[94] M. M. Dzhrbashyan, ?Generalized Riemann-Liouville operator and certain applications,? Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Matem.,32, No. 5, 1075?1111 (1968).
[95] M. M. Dzhrbashyan, ?Theory of the factorization of functions meromorphic in the disk,? Matem. Sb.,79, No. 4, 517?615 (1969). · Zbl 0197.35504
[96] M. M. Dzhrbashyan, ?Factorization of functions meromorphic in a finite plane,? Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, Matem.,5, No. 6, 453?485 (1970). · Zbl 0197.35504
[97] V. V. Dumkin and M. N. Markov, ?Riemann surface corresponding to the function w=ez+1/z,? Uchebn. Zap. Permsk. Univ.,16, No. 3, 19?26 (1958).
[98] V. V. Dumkin and M. N. Markov, ?Riemann surfaces Rn corresponding to functions of the class w=ez+1/zn (n=1, 2, 3,...),? in: Contemporary Problems in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (Internat. Conf.) [in Russian], Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1960), pp. 443?450.
[99] M. A. Evgrafov, Asymptotic Estimates and Entire Functions [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1957), 158 pp.[English ed.: Gordon and Breach, New York (1962)].
[100] M. A. Evgrafov, Asymptotic Estimates and Entire Functions [in Russian], (2nd rev. ed.), Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1962), 200 pp. · Zbl 0121.30202
[101] M. A. Evgrafov, Analytic Functions [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1965), 423pp.[English ed.: Saunders, Philadelphia, Pa. (1966)]. · Zbl 0147.32605
[102] M. A. Evgrafov, Analytic Functions [in Russian] (2nd rev. ed.), Nauka, Moscow (1968), 471 pp.
[103] V. N. Zhukovskaya, ?Estimate of a canonical product with positive zeros,? in: Proc. Eighth Sci.-Tech. Conf. 1967 Ukrainsk. Zaochn-Politekh. Inst. [in Russian], Khar’kovsk. Univ., Kharkov (1968), pp. 224?227.
[104] V. P. Kabaila, ?Double integral analog of the Poisson-Jensen formula,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,11, No. 2, 241?253 (1971).
[105] M. V. Keldysh, ?On series in rational fractions,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,94, No. 3, 377?380 (1954). · Zbl 0056.16001
[106] Kh. K. Kenzhegulov, ?Some problems in the theory of iteration of entire functions,? Volzhsk. Matem. Sb., No. 2, 56?60 (1964).
[107] V. V. Klyuev, ?Asymptotic estimates for a class of series in rational fractions,? Nauch. Dokl. Vyssh. Shkoly, Fiz.-Matem. Nauk, No. 2, 67?70 (1958); Addendum, Nauch. Dokl. Vyssh. Shkoly, Fiz.-Matem. Nauk, No. 2, 180 (1959).
[108] V. V. Klyuev, ?Asymptotic estimates for a class of meromorphic functions of finite order,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Matem., No. 3, 74?87 (1959).
[109] V. V. Kluyev, ?Asymptotic estimates for a class of meromorphic functions of finite order,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Matem., No. 3, 154?162 (1960).
[110] V. V. Kluyev, ?Asymptotic estimates for a class of meromorphic functions of finite order,? Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Matem., No. 2, 76?81 (1962).
[111] V. V. Kluyev, ?Asymptotic formulas for the zeros of a class of meromorphic functions of infinite order,? Nauk. Zap. Cherkas’k. Derzh. Ped. Inst.,17, 38?42 (1963).
[112] A. A. Kondratyuk, ?Extremal indicator for entire functions with positive zeros,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,7, No. 1, 79?117 (1967).
[113] A. A. Kondratyuk, ?Extremal indicator for entire functions with positive zeros, II,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,8, No. 1, 65?85 (1968).
[114] A. A. Kondratyuk, ?Entire functions with positive zeros having a finite maximum density,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No.7, 37?52 (1968).
[115] A. A. Kondratyuk, ?Entire functions with a finite maximum density of zeros, I,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 10, 57?70 (1970).
[116] A. A. Kondratyuk, ?Extremal indicator of entire functions with positive zeros,? Sibirsk. Matem. Zh.,11, No. 5, 1084?1092 (1970).
[117] A. A. Kondratyuk, ?Entire functions with a finite maximum density of zeros, II,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 11, 35?40 (1970).
[118] D. P. Kostomarov, ?Exponential order of growth of the solutions of systems of linear differential equations,? Vestnik Moskov. Univ., Ser. Matem. Mekhan. Astron. Fiz. Khim., No. 1, 33?38 (1958).
[119] M. A. Kraplin, ?Entire and meromorphic solutions of a class of difference equations,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,142, No. 5, 1011?1014 (1962). · Zbl 0115.29901
[120] I. F. Krasichkov, ?Lower bounds for entire functions of finite order and convergence of Dirichlet polynomials,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,162, No. 5, 995?996 (1965). · Zbl 0186.39101
[121] I. F. Krasichkov, ?Lower bounds for entire functions, of finite order,? Sibirsk. Matem. Zh.,6, No. 4, 840?861 (1965).
[122] I. F. Krasichkov, ?Comparison of entire functions of finite order with respect to the distribution of their roots,? Matem. Sb.,70, No. 2, 198?230 (1966).
[123] I. F. Krasichkov, ?Comparison of entire functions of integral order with respect to the distribution of their roots,? Matem. Sb.,71, No. 3, 405?419 (1966).
[124] I. F. Krasichkov, ?Homogeneity properties of entire functions of finite order,? Matem. Sb.,72, No. 3, 412?419 (1967).
[125] T. B. Lamzina, ?Values of the deviations of meromorphic functions,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 14, 169?185 (1971).
[126] B. Ya. Levin, Distribution of the Roots of Entire Functions [in Russian], Gostekhizdat, Moscow (1956), 632 pp. · Zbl 0111.07401
[127] B. Ya. Levin and I. V. Ostrovskii, ?Dependence of the growth of an entire function on the distribution of zeros of its derivatives (on a question of G. Pólya and A. Wiman),? Sibirsk. Matem. Zh.,1, No. 3, 427?455 (1960).
[128] A. F. Leont’ev, ?Convergence of a sequence of Dirichlet polynomials,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,108, No. 1, 23?26 (1956).
[129] O. Lehto, ?Distribution of values and singularities of analytic functions? (Russian translation of [595]), Matematika,3, No. 1, 57?67 (1959).
[130] K.-C. Lee, ?Generalization of certain results of value distribution theory for meromorphic functions,? Acta Math. Sinica,3, No. 2, 87?100 (1953).
[131] N. A. Lukashevich, ?On the theory of the third equation of Painlevé,? Differents. Uravnen.,3, No. 11, 1913?1923 (1967).
[132] N. A. Lukashevich, ?Solutions of the fifth equation of Painlevé,? Differents. Uravnen.,4, No. 8, 1413?1420 (1968).
[133] G. L. Lunts, ?Bounds for the growth of a canonical product,? Izv. Akad. Nauk Arm. SSR, Matem.,3, No. 2, 126?136 (1968).
[134] V. I. Matsaev, ?Growth of entire functions admitting certain lower bounds,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,132, No. 2, 283?286 (1960). · Zbl 0111.07404
[135] A. Z. Mokhon’ko, ?Nevanlinna characteristics of certain meromorphic functions,? Teor. Funktsii, Funktsional. Analiz i Ikh Prilozhen., No. 14, 83?87 (1971).
[136] I. Nabeshima, ?Remark on a theorem of Ahlfors,? Sûgaku,5, No. 1, 25?26 (1953).
[137] L. I. Navickaite (L. I. Navitskaite), ?Entire and meromorphic solutions of a differential-difference equation,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,4, No. 1, 133?140 (1964).
[138] L. I. Navickaite, ?A linear system of differential-difference equations with entire coefficients of finite order, I, II,? Liet. Matem. Rink.,10, No. 3, 497?515 (1970).
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