
Geometry and topology of local minimal 2-trees. (English) Zbl 0888.05014

A planar binary tree is a tree in the plane all of whose vertices have degree 1 or 3; minimum Steiner trees having no vertex of degree 2 are trees of that kind. For such a tree \(\Gamma\) the authors define a twisting number \(\text{tw }\Gamma\) as follows: The twisting number of a directed path in \(\Gamma\) is the difference between the number of left-hand branchings and the number of right-hand branchings along that path, and then \(\text{tw }\Gamma\) is the maximum of the twisting numbers of all directed paths. Finally, a finite point set \(M\) is said to have \(k\) convexity levels iff \(M\) is the disjoint union of \(M_1,\dots, M_k\) where \(M_j\) \((j= 1,\dots,k)\) is the set of those points of \(M_j\cup\cdots\cup M_k\) which are lying on the boundary of the convex hull of this set. Now, the authors’ main result says that the twisting number of a planar binary minimum Steiner tree spanning a set \(M\) that has \(k\) convexity levels is bounded by \(12(k- 1)+5\) and this bound is best possible. This generalizes earlier results of the authors concerning the case \(k=1\). The main part of the lengthy paper is devoted to the investigation of the twisting number by considering analoguous notions for general polygonal lines.


05C05 Trees
05C35 Extremal problems in graph theory
57M15 Relations of low-dimensional topology with graph theory
52A10 Convex sets in \(2\) dimensions (including convex curves)
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