
The SIAM 100-Digit Challenge: a decade later. Inspirations, ramifications, and other eddies left in its wake. (English) Zbl 1341.65001

Summary: In 2002, L.N. Trefethen of Oxford University challenged the scientific community by ten intriguing mathematical problems to be solved, numerically, to ten digit accuracy each (I was one of the successful contestants; in 2004, jointly with three others of them, I published a book [F. Bornemann et al., The SIAM 100-digit challenge. A study in high-accuracy numerical computing. With a foreword by David H. Bailey. Philadelphia, PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (2004; Zbl 1060.65002)] on the manifold ways of solving those problems). In this paper, I collect some new and noteworthy insights and developments that have evolved around those problems in the last decade or so. In the course of my tales, I will touch mathematical topics as diverse as divergent series, Ramanujan summation, low-rank approximations of functions, hybrid numeric-symbolic computation, singular moduli, self-avoiding random walks, the Riemann prime counting function, and winding numbers of planar Brownian motion. As was already the intention of the book, I hope to encourage the reader to take a broad view of mathematics, since one lasting moral of Trefethen’s contest is that overspecialization will provide too narrow a view for one with a serious interest in computation.


65-03 History of numerical analysis
40A05 Convergence and divergence of series and sequences
40D05 General theorems on summability
41A29 Approximation with constraints
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
60G50 Sums of independent random variables; random walks
11A41 Primes
60J65 Brownian motion


Zbl 1060.65002
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