
A characterization of circle graphs in terms of multimatroid representations. (English) Zbl 1431.05032

Summary: The isotropic matroid \(M[IAS(G)]\) of a looped simple graph \(G\) is a binary matroid equivalent to the isotropic system of \(G\). In general, \(M[IAS(G)]\) is not regular, so it cannot be represented over fields of characteristic \(\neq 2\). The ground set of \(M[IAS(G)]\) is denoted \(W(G)\); it is partitioned into 3-element subsets corresponding to the vertices of \(G\). When the rank function of \(M[IAS(G)]\) is restricted to subtransversals of this partition, the resulting structure is a multimatroid denoted \(\mathcal{Z}_3(G)\). In this paper we prove that \(G\) is a circle graph if and only if for every field \(\mathbb{F} \), there is an \(\mathbb{F} \)-representable matroid with ground set \(W(G)\), which defines \(\mathcal{Z}_3(G)\) by restriction. We connect this characterization with several other circle graph characterizations that have appeared in the literature.


05B35 Combinatorial aspects of matroids and geometric lattices
52B40 Matroids in convex geometry (realizations in the context of convex polytopes, convexity in combinatorial structures, etc.)


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