
On the maximality of the triangular subgroup. (Sur la maximalité du sous-groupe triangulaire.) (English. French summary) Zbl 1447.14008

The group \(\text{Aut}(\mathbb A_{\mathbb C}^n)\) of polynomial automorphisms of the affine complex space carries a natural structure of infinite dimensional algebraic group. The authors are interested in maximality properties of the subgroup \(B_n\) of triangular automorphism, which is a closed solvable subgroup. Their main result states that for any \(n \ge 2\), \(B_n\) is maximal among all solvable subgroups of \(\text{Aut}(\mathbb A_{\mathbb C}^n)\). Moreover in the case \(n = 2\), they show that \(B_2\) is maximal among closed subgroups of \(\text{Aut}(\mathbb A_{\mathbb C}^2)\), but is not maximal among all subgroups.


14R10 Affine spaces (automorphisms, embeddings, exotic structures, cancellation problem)
20G99 Linear algebraic groups and related topics


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