
Near-wall modelling in Eulerian-Eulerian simulations. (English) Zbl 1496.76012

Summary: The near-wall region in turbulent Eulerian-Eulerian (E-E) simulations has hitherto received little to no attention. A standard approach to modelling this region is through the employment of single-phase wall-functions in the fluid-phase, and it is unclear whether such an approach is capable of capturing the turbulent fluid-particle interaction in the near-wall region. In order to both investigate and alleviate E-E models reliance on single-phase wall-functions we propose an E-E elliptic relaxation model to account for the near-wall non-homogeneity which arises in wall-bounded flows. The proposed model is derived within an E-E framework and enables the full resolution of the boundary layer and arbitrary wall sensitivity. The model is then compared against the conventional \(k_f - \varepsilon_f\) turbulence model with standard single-phase wall-functions. Additionally, the modelling is compared against a low-Re number turbulence model. The elliptic relaxation model is implemented within the open-source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM, applied to a vertical downward-facing channel and validated against the benchmark experimental data of J. D. Kulick et al. [“Particle response and turbulence modification in fully developed channel flow”, J. Fluid Mech. 277, 109–134 (1994; doi:10.1017/s0022112094002703)]. Model results show marked improvements over the conventional turbulence model across mean flow and turbulence statistics predictions. The use of conventional single-phase wall functions were shown to negatively impede on the prediction of the velocity covariance coupling term and as a result the particle fluctuation energy. Moreover, this also lead to an underestimation of the near-wall volume fraction accumulation. Finally, the elliptic relaxation model, E-E model and accompanying validation cases are made open-source.


76-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to fluid mechanics




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