
Elliptic well-poised Bailey transforms and lemmas on root systems. (English) Zbl 1387.33026

Summary: We list \(A_n\), \(C_n\) and \(D_n\) extensions of the elliptic WP Bailey transform and lemma, given for \(n=1\) by Andrews and Spiridonov. Our work requires multiple series extensions of Frenkel and Turaev’s terminating, balanced and very-well-poised \({}_{10}V_9\) elliptic hypergeometric summation formula due to Rosengren, and Rosengren and Schlosser. In our study, we discover two new \(A_n\) \({}_{12}V_{11}\) transformation formulas, that reduce to two new \(A_n\) extensions of Bailey’s \(_{10}\phi_9\) transformation formulas when the nome \(p\) is 0, and two multiple series extensions of Frenkel and Turaev’s sum.


33D67 Basic hypergeometric functions associated with root systems


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