
The geometry of sparse analysis regularization. (English) Zbl 1528.90188

Motivated by applications in machine learning and inverse problems, the authors investigate the geometry of the solution set (when nontrivial) of the sum of an \(\ell^1\) regularization with an \(\ell^2\) data fidelity term. A connection between the support of a solution and the minimal face of the solution polyhedron containing it is revealed, having as a consequence the fact that the extreme points of the latter can be recovered via an algebraic test. A connection between the sign pattern of a solution and the ambient dimension of the smallest face containing it is provided as well. Moreover, an arbitrary subpolyhedra of the level set turns out to be writable as a solution set of sparse analysis regularization with explicit parameters.


90C25 Convex programming
49J52 Nonsmooth analysis


SciPy; Python


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