
Counting distance permutations. (English) Zbl 1162.68011

Summary: Distance permutation indexes support fast proximity searching in high-dimensional metric spaces. Given some fixed reference sites, for each point in a database the index stores a permutation naming the closest site, the second-closest, and so on. We examine how many distinct permutations can occur as a function of the number of sites and the size of the space. We give theoretical results for tree metrics and vector spaces with \(L_{1}, L_{2}\), and \(L_{\infty }\) metrics, improving on the previous best known storage space in the vector case. We also give experimental results and commentary on the number of distance permutations that actually occur in a variety of vector, string, and document databases.


68P10 Searching and sorting
68P15 Database theory


SIFT; LibMetricSpace
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