
Self-consistent confidence sets and tests of composite hypotheses applicable to restricted parameters. (English) Zbl 1512.62030

Summary: Frequentist methods, without the coherence guarantees of fully Bayesian methods, are known to yield self-contradictory inferences in certain settings. The framework introduced in this paper provides a simple adjustment to \(p\) values and confidence sets to ensure the mutual consistency of all inferences without sacrificing frequentist validity. Based on a definition of the compatibility of a composite hypothesis with the observed data given any parameter restriction and on the requirement of self-consistency, the adjustment leads to the possibility and necessity measures of possibility theory rather than to the posterior probability distributions of Bayesian and fiducial inference.


62F15 Bayesian inference
62F03 Parametric hypothesis testing
62F25 Parametric tolerance and confidence regions
60A05 Axioms; other general questions in probability
62F30 Parametric inference under constraints


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