
Qualitative and numerical aspects of a motion of a family of interacting curves in space. (English) Zbl 1539.53102

Summary: In this article we investigate a system of geometric evolution equations describing a curvature driven motion of a family of three-dimensional curves in the normal and binormal directions. Evolving curves may be the subject of mutual interactions having both local or nonlocal character where the entire curve may influence evolution of other curves. Such an evolution and interaction can be found in applications. We explore the direct Lagrangian approach for treating the geometric flow of such interacting curves. Using the abstract theory of nonlinear analytic semiflows, we are able to prove local existence, uniqueness, and continuation of classical Hölder smooth solutions to the governing system of nonlinear parabolic equations. Using the finite volume method, we construct an efficient numerical scheme solving the governing system of nonlinear parabolic equations. Additionally, a nontrivial tangential velocity is considered allowing for redistribution of discretization nodes. We also present several computational studies of the flow combining the normal and binormal velocity and considering nonlocal interactions.


53E10 Flows related to mean curvature
35K57 Reaction-diffusion equations
35K65 Degenerate parabolic equations
65D18 Numerical aspects of computer graphics, image analysis, and computational geometry
65J08 Numerical solutions to abstract evolution equations


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