
Overset structured grids assembly method for numerical simulations of multi-bodies and moving objects. (English) Zbl 1410.76007

Summary: An automated overset structured grids assembly method of coupling the hole-map method and cut-paste method is presented for numerical simulations of multi-bodies and moving objects, and improvements over the original methods are introduced. Firstly, a superblocks-oriented hole-map method is established for generating initial fronts, in which the diffusion marking algorithm and bounding element method are separately designed to enhance the preliminary hole-cutting reliability. Secondly, the original cut-paste method is improved by introducing the alternating digital tree (ADT) and maze algorithm, where the ADT is employed to store temporary fronts and the maze algorithm is used to check and remove the orphan cells. Additionally, the stencil walk method is augmented by utilizing the Cartesian maps to obtain starting cells, and introducing a diffusion retrieval method based on bounding box as supplement. Tests of cutting holes with typical geometries testify the reliability of the proposed method, and also reveal that the efficiency is notably improved. Finally, numerical computations with the overset structured grids assembly method are conducted. The results further verify the robustness of the proposed assembly method. Therefore, it can be adaptable for simulating the compressible flows of multi-bodies and moving objects.


76-04 Software, source code, etc. for problems pertaining to fluid mechanics
76M25 Other numerical methods (fluid mechanics) (MSC2010)
65Y10 Numerical algorithms for specific classes of architectures
76Nxx Compressible fluids and gas dynamics


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