
Angular values of nonautonomous and random linear dynamical systems. I: Fundamentals. (English) Zbl 1498.37040

Summary: We introduce the notion of angular values for deterministic linear difference equations and random linear cocycles. We measure the principal angles between subspaces of fixed dimension as they evolve under nonautonomous or random linear dynamics. The focus is on long-term averages of these principal angles, which we call angular values: we demonstrate relationships between different types of angular values and prove their existence for random dynamical systems. For one-dimensional subspaces in two-dimensional systems our angular values agree with the classical theory of rotation numbers for orientation-preserving circle homeomorphisms if the matrix has positive determinant and does not rotate vectors by more than \(\frac{\pi}{2} \). Because our notion of angular values ignores orientation by looking at subspaces rather than vectors, our results apply to dynamical systems of any dimension and to subspaces of arbitrary dimension. The second part of the paper delves deeper into the theory of the autonomous case. We explore the relation to (generalized) eigenspaces, provide some explicit formulas for angular values, and set up a general numerical algorithm for computing angular values via Schur decompositions.


37C60 Nonautonomous smooth dynamical systems
37H10 Generation, random and stochastic difference and differential equations
37A05 Dynamical aspects of measure-preserving transformations
37A30 Ergodic theorems, spectral theory, Markov operators
39A06 Linear difference equations
65Q10 Numerical methods for difference equations
15A18 Eigenvalues, singular values, and eigenvectors


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