
Various synchronization phenomena in bidirectionally coupled double scroll circuits. (English) Zbl 1343.34134

Summary: The various cases of synchronization phenomena investigated in a system of two bidirectionally coupled double scroll circuits, were studied. Complete synchronization, inverse lag synchronization, and inverse \(\pi \)-lag synchronization are the observed synchronization phenomena, as the coupling factor is varied. The inverse lag synchronization phenomenon in mutually coupled identical oscillators is presented for the first time. As the coupling factor is increased, the system undergoes a transition from chaotic desynchronization to chaotic complete synchronization, while inverse lag synchronization and inverse \(\pi \)-lag synchronization are observed for greater values of the coupling factor, depending on the initial conditions of the state variables of the system. Inverse \(\pi \)-lag synchronization in coupled nonlinear oscillators is a special case of lag synchronization, which is also presented for the first time.


34D06 Synchronization of solutions to ordinary differential equations
94C05 Analytic circuit theory
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