
Robust, strong form mechanics on an adaptive structured grid: efficiently solving variable-geometry near-singular problems with diffuse interfaces. (English) Zbl 1536.74309

Summary: Many solid mechanics problems on complex geometries are conventionally solved using discrete boundary methods. However, such an approach can be cumbersome for problems involving evolving domain boundaries due to the need to track boundaries and constant remeshing. The purpose of this work is to present a comprehensive strategy for efficiently solving such problems on an adaptive structured grid, while expositing some of the basic yet important nuances associated with solving near-singular problems in strong form. We employ a robust smooth boundary method (SBM) that represents complex geometry implicitly, in a larger and simpler computational domain, as the support of a smooth indicator function. We present the resulting semidefinite equations for mechanical equilibrium, in which inhomogeneous boundary conditions are replaced by source terms. In this work, we present a computational strategy for efficiently solving near-singular SBM-based solid mechanics problems. We use the block-structured adaptive mesh refinement method, coupled with a geometric multigrid solver for an efficient solution of mechanical equilibrium. We discuss some of the practical numerical strategies for implementing this method, notably including the importance of grid versus node-centered fields. We demonstrate the solver’s accuracy and performance for three representative examples: (a) plastic strain evolution around a void, (b) crack nucleation and propagation in brittle materials, and (c) structural topology optimization. In each case, we show that very good convergence of the solver is achieved, even with large near-singular areas, and that any convergence issues arise from other complexities, such as stress concentrations.


74S99 Numerical and other methods in solid mechanics
74C05 Small-strain, rate-independent theories of plasticity (including rigid-plastic and elasto-plastic materials)
74R10 Brittle fracture
74P15 Topological methods for optimization problems in solid mechanics


Wesseling; AMReX


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