
Average weighted trapping time of the node- and edge-weighted fractal networks. (English) Zbl 1510.05270

Summary: In this paper, we study the trapping problem in the node- and edge- weighted fractal networks with the underlying geometries, focusing on a particular case with a perfect trap located at the central node. We derive the exact analytic formulas of the average weighted trapping time (AWTT), the average of node-to-trap mean weighted first-passage time over the whole networks, in terms of the network size \(N_g\), the number of copies \(s\), the node-weight factor \(w\) and the edge-weight factor \(r\). The obtained result displays that in the large network, the AWTT grows as a power-law function of the network size \(N_g\) with the exponent, represented by \(\theta(s,r,w)=\log_s(srw^2)\) when \(srw^2\neq 1\). Especially when \(srw^2=1\), AWTT grows with increasing order \(N_g\) as \(\log N_g\). This also means that the efficiency of the trapping process depend on three main parameters: the number of copies \(s>1\), node-weight factor \(0<w\leq 1\), and edge-weight factor \(0<r\leq 1\). The smaller the value of \(srw^2\) is, the more efficient the trapping process is.


05C82 Small world graphs, complex networks (graph-theoretic aspects)
28A80 Fractals
90B10 Deterministic network models in operations research
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