
Multi-type-output assisted cloning of unknown single-qubit states. (English) Zbl 1537.81021

Summary: Fusing the ideas of quantum multicast communication and quantum assisted cloning, we propose a scheme for two-type-output assisted cloning of arbitrary unknown single-qubit states, which can synchronously output accurate copies and orthogonal-complement copies of two different arbitrary unknown single-qubit states with a minimal assistance from a state preparer. In this scheme, a four-qubit maximally entangled cluster channel, classical communication, and several local quantum gates are employed. Quantum teleportation is required in the first stage of the scheme and in the second stage, the state preparer disentangles the left over entangled states by a two-qubit projective measurement process and conveys some classical messages to different parties so that accurate copies or orthogonal-complement copies are produced. To produce more copies or orthogonal-complement copies in the two-type-output assisted cloning scheme, we discuss our scheme for producing two copies and three copies of each unknown single-qubit state and suggest how to generalise this to \(N\) copies and orthogonal-complement copies of each unknown single-qubit state using the product of two multi-qubit GHZ-type states as quantum channel. In addition, by using the product of \(N\) EPR pairs as the quantum channel, the two-type-output assisted cloning scheme for arbitrary unknown single-qubit states is extended to the case of \(N\)-type-output \((N \geq 3)\) to meet the needs of the development of quantum networks.


81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
81P50 Quantum state estimation, approximate cloning
81P48 LOCC, teleportation, dense coding, remote state operations, distillation
46L30 States of selfadjoint operator algebras
81P40 Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations
60G35 Signal detection and filtering (aspects of stochastic processes)
70F05 Two-body problems
81P47 Quantum channels, fidelity
68Q06 Networks and circuits as models of computation; circuit complexity
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