
Guaranteed cost control of exponential function projective synchronization of delayed complex dynamical networks with hybrid uncertainties asymmetric coupling delays. (English) Zbl 1438.37068

Summary: The problem of guaranteed cost control for exponential function projective synchronization (EFPS) for complex dynamical networks with mixed time-varying delays and hybrid uncertainties asymmetric coupling delays, composing of state coupling, time-varying delay coupling, and distributed time-varying delay coupling, is investigated. In this work, the uncertainties coupling configuration matrix need not be symmetric or irreducible. The guaranteed cost control for EFPS of delayed complex dynamical networks is considered via hybrid control with nonlinear and mixed linear feedback controls, including error linear term, time-varying delay error linear term, and distributed time-varying delay error linear term. Based on the construction of improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with the technique of dealing with some integral terms, the new sufficient conditions for the existence of the optimal guaranteed cost control laws are presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The obtained LMIs can be efficiently solved by standard convex optimization algorithms. Moreover, numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed guaranteed cost control for EFPS. The results in this article generalize and improve the corresponding results of the recent works.


37N35 Dynamical systems in control
93B52 Feedback control
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