
High-accuracy comparison between the post-Newtonian and self-force dynamics of black-hole binaries. (English) Zbl 1213.83083

Blanchet, Luc (ed.) et al., Mass and motion in general relativity. Selected papers based on the presentations at the school on mass, Orléans, France, June 2008. Dordrecht: Springer (ISBN 978-90-481-3014-6/hbk; 978-90-481-3015-3/ebook). Fundamental Theories of Physics 162, 415-442 (2011).
Summary: The relativistic motion of a compact binary system moving in circular orbit is investigated using the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation and the perturbative self-force (SF) formalism. A particular gauge-invariant observable quantity is computed as a function of the binary’s orbital frequency. The conservative effect induced by the gravitational SF is obtained numerically with high precision, and compared to the PN prediction developed to high order. The PN calculation involves the computation of the 3PN regularized metric at the location of the particle. Its divergent self-field is regularized by means of dimensional regularization. The poles \(\propto {(d - 3)}^{-1}\) that occur within dimensional regularization at the 3PN order disappear from the final gauge-invariant result. The leading 4PN and next-to-leading 5PN conservative logarithmic contributions originating from gravitational wave tails are also obtained. Making use of these exact PN results, some previously unknown PN coefficients are measured up to the very high 7PN order by fitting to the numerical SF data. Using just the 2PN and new logarithmic terms, the value of the 3PN coefficient is also confirmed numerically with very high precision. The consistency of this cross-cultural comparison provides a crucial test of the very different regularization methods used in both SF and PN formalisms, and illustrates the complementarity of these approximation schemes when modeling compact binary systems.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1209.83003].


83C57 Black holes
83C10 Equations of motion in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C25 Approximation procedures, weak fields in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C40 Gravitational energy and conservation laws; groups of motions


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