
Observability in the univalent universe. (English) Zbl 07592507

Summary: In this paper, we present a summary of Homotopy Type Theory with Voevodsky’s Univalent Axiom and discuss the existence of a universe of types satisfying the latter. We take up the idea of the observability of the behavior of computations, as defined in the grossone framework, in which for every finite natural number \(n\), \(n\leq\) \textcircled{1}. In this context, the number of complete computable sequences that can be enumerated by imaginary Turing machines is equal to \textcircled{1}. We replace the notion of \(\infty\)-topos of \(\infty\)-groupoids by a \textcircled{1}-topos of \textcircled{1}-groupoids as a model of Type Theory. We find that in this setting there exists a universe of types satisfying univalence, ensuring the completeness of the sequences generated by type-theoretic computations.


03-XX Mathematical logic and foundations
68-XX Computer science
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