
Topological Ramsey numbers and countable ordinals. (English) Zbl 1423.03160

Caicedo, Andrés Eduardo (ed.) et al., Foundations of mathematics. Logic at Harvard. Essays in honor of W. Hugh Woodin’s 60th birthday. Proceedings of the Logic at Harvard conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 27–29, 2015. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Contemp. Math. 690, 87-120 (2017).
Summary: We study the topological version of the partition calculus in the setting of countable ordinals. Let \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) be ordinals and let \(k\) be a positive integer. We write \(\beta \rightarrow _{\mathrm{top}}(\alpha ,k)^2\) to mean that, for every red-blue coloring of the collection of 2-sized subsets of \(\beta \), there is either a red-homogeneous set homeomorphic to \(\alpha \) or a blue-homogeneous set of size \(k\). The least such \(\beta \) is the topological Ramsey number \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\alpha ,k)\).
We prove a topological version of the Erdős-Milner theorem, namely that \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\alpha ,k)\) is countable whenever \(\alpha \) is countable. More precisely, we prove that \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\omega ^{\omega ^\beta },k+1)\leq \omega ^{\omega ^{\beta \cdot k}}\) for all countable ordinals \(\beta \) and finite \(k\). Our proof is modeled on a new easy proof of a weak version of the Erdős-Milner theorem that may be of independent interest.
We also provide more careful upper bounds for certain small values of \(\alpha \), proving among other results that \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\omega +1,k+1)=\omega ^k+1\), \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\alpha ,k)< \omega ^\omega \) whenever \(\alpha <\omega ^2\), \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\omega ^2,k)\leq \omega ^\omega \) and \(R^{\mathrm{top}}(\omega ^2+1,k+2)\leq \omega ^{\omega \cdot k}+1\) for all finite \(k\).
Our computations use a variety of techniques, including a topological pigeonhole principle for ordinals, considerations of a tree ordering based on the Cantor normal form of ordinals, and some ultrafilter arguments.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1367.03010].


03E02 Partition relations
03E10 Ordinal and cardinal numbers
05D10 Ramsey theory
54A25 Cardinality properties (cardinal functions and inequalities, discrete subsets)


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