
Multiplicative functions in short arithmetic progressions. (English) Zbl 1530.11077

Let \(\mathbb{U}=\{z\in\mathbb{C}:|z|\leqslant 1\}\) be the unit disc at the complex plane, and let \(f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow\mathbb{U}\) be a multiplicative function. The author of this paper studies sums \[ \sum\limits_{n\equiv\, a\pmod{q}}f(n), \] where \((a,q)=1\) and \(1\leqslant q\leqslant x\) with \(q\) being very large as a function of \(x\). The results are derived for prime moduli, for moduli in the middle range \(q\leqslant x^{1/2-o(1)}\), for smooth moduli and for general moduli. In addition, hybrid results are also presented. For instance, in the case of of prime moduli, the following assertion is obtained.
Let \(1\leqslant Q\leqslant x/10\) and \(\big(\log(x/Q)\big)^{-1/200}\leqslant\varepsilon\leqslant 1\). Then there exists a set \( [1,x^{\varepsilon^{200}}]\cap\mathbb{Z}\subset Q_{x,\varepsilon}\subset[1,x]\cap\mathbb{Z}\) with \(\big|[1,Q]\setminus Q_{x,\varepsilon}\big|\leqslant (\log x)^{\varepsilon^{-200}}\) such that the following holds.
Suppose \(p\in Q_{x,\varepsilon}\cap [1,Q]\) is a prime, and \(f:\mathbb{N}\rightarrow \mathbb{U}\) is a multiplicative function. If \(\chi_1\) be a character \(\pmod{p}\) minimizing the distance \(\inf_{|t|\leqslant \log x}\mathcal{D}_p(f,\chi(n)n^{\mathrm{i}t},x)\), then \[ \sum^*\limits_{a\,\pmod{p}}\bigg|\sum_{\substack{n\leqslant x}{n\equiv a\pmod{p}}}f(n)-\frac{\chi_1(a)}{\varphi(p)}\sum_{n\leqslant x}f(n)\overline{\chi_1}(n)\bigg|^2\ll_\varepsilon \frac{x^2}{p}, \] where \[ \mathcal{D}_p(f,g,x)=\bigg(\sum_{q\leqslant x, q\neq p}\frac{1-\mathrm{Re}\big(f(q)\overline{g(q)}\big)}{q}\bigg)^{1/2} \] and \(\sum^*_{a\,\pmod{p}}\) denotes a sum over reduced residue classes \(\pmod{p}\).


11N64 Other results on the distribution of values or the characterization of arithmetic functions
11N13 Primes in congruence classes


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