
Homogenisation on homogeneous spaces. (English) Zbl 1416.58014

Consider a Lie group \(G\), a compact Lie subgroup \(H\), their Lie algebras \(\mathfrak g\), \(h\) respectively, an \(\mathrm{Ad}_H\)-invariant Lie subalgebra \(\mathfrak{m}\) such that \(\mathfrak{g} = h\oplus m\), a generating subset \(\{A_0,\ldots,A_N\}\subset \mathfrak{h}\), and \(\,Y_0\in \mathfrak{m}\). Then the canonical projection \(\pi : G\to G/H\) makes \(G\) into a principal bundle over the homogeneous manifold \(M:=G/H\).
Denote by \((b^1_t,\ldots,b_t^N)\) an \(N\)-dimensional Euclidean Brownian motion. For any small positive \(\varepsilon\), let \((g_t^\varepsilon)\) be the solution to the Stratonovitch SDE
\[ g_t^\varepsilon = g_0 + \varepsilon^{-1/2}\sum_{k=1}^N\int_0^t A_k(g_s^\varepsilon)\circ db_s^k +\varepsilon^{-1}\!\int_0^t A_0(g_s^\varepsilon)\, ds + \int_0^t Y_0(g_s^\varepsilon)\, ds, \] where as usual any \(V\in \mathfrak{g}\) is identified with the left-invariant vector field it generates. Thus, \((g_t^\varepsilon)\) is a diffusion with generator \(\varepsilon^{-1}\mathcal{L}_0+Y_0\), where \(\frac{\mathcal L_0 := 1}{2\sum_{k=1}^NA_k^2+A_0}\). No Hörmander condition is required. Let \(x_t^\varepsilon:= \pi(g_t^\varepsilon)\).
The author considers the lift \(u_t^\varepsilon\in G\) above \(x_t^\varepsilon\), which be horizontal with respect to the Ehresmann connection determined by \(\mathfrak{m}\), and also the vertical semimartingale \((u_t^\varepsilon)^{-1} g_t^\varepsilon\in H\). She computes SDE’s governing both processes.
Her main result is the weak convergence, as \(\varepsilon\searrow 0\), of the scaled semimartingale \((u_{t/\varepsilon}^\varepsilon)\), towards some diffusion process, with an explicit expression for the limiting generator.
Moreover, this convergence is proved to hold in Wasserstein distance as well, and a rate of convergence is given. Furthermore, conditions are given which ensure that the limiting diffusion is a scaled Brownian motion, with some computable scale. Finally, some examples are discussed.


58J65 Diffusion processes and stochastic analysis on manifolds
60J60 Diffusion processes
60H10 Stochastic ordinary differential equations (aspects of stochastic analysis)


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