
Passive flight in density-stratified fluids. (English) Zbl 1415.76796

Summary: Leaves falling in air and marine larvae settling in water are examples of unsteady descents due to complex interactions between gravitational and aerodynamic forces. Understanding passive flight is relevant to many branches of engineering and science, ranging from estimating the behaviour of re-entry space vehicles to analysing the biomechanics of seed dispersion. The motion of regularly shaped objects falling freely in homogenous fluids is relatively well understood. However, less is known about how density stratification of the fluid medium affects passive flight. In this paper, we experimentally investigate the descent of heavy discs in stably stratified fluids for Froude numbers of order 1 and Reynolds numbers of order 1000. We specifically consider fluttering descents, where the disc oscillates as it falls. In comparison with pure water and homogeneous saltwater fluid, we find that density stratification significantly enhances the radial dispersion of the disc, while simultaneously decreasing the vertical descent speed, fluttering amplitude and inclination angle of the disc during descent. We explain the physical mechanisms underlying these observations in the context of a quasi-steady force and torque model. These findings could have significant impact on the design of unpowered vehicles and on the understanding of geological and biological transport where density and temperature variations may occur.


76Z10 Biopropulsion in water and in air
74F10 Fluid-solid interactions (including aero- and hydro-elasticity, porosity, etc.)
76D50 Stratification effects in viscous fluids
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