
Getting linear time in graphs of bounded neighborhood diversity. (English) Zbl 07907337

Summary: Parameterized complexity, introduced to efficiently solve NP-hard problems for small values of a fixed parameter, has been recently used as a tool to speed up algorithms for tractable problems. Following this line of research, we design algorithms parameterized by neighborhood diversity (nd) for several graph theoretic problems in \( P \): Maximum \( b \)-Matching, Triangle Counting and Listing, Girth, Global Minimum Vertex Cut, and Perfect Graphs Recognition. Such problems are known to admit algorithms parameterized by modular-width (mw) and consequently – as nd is a special case of mw – by nd. However, the proposed novel algorithms allow for improving the computational complexity from time \( O\left(f\left(\mathsf{mw}\right)\cdotp n+m\right) \) – where \( n \) and \( m \) denote, respectively, the number of vertices and edges in the input graph – to time \( O\left(g\left(\mathsf{nd}\right)+n+m\right) \) which is only additive in the size of the input. Then we consider some classical NP-hard problems (Maximum independent set, Maximum clique, and Minimum dominating set) and show that for several classes of hereditary graphs, they admit linear time algorithms for sufficiently small – nonnecessarily constant – values of the neighborhood diversity parameter.
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