
A two-metric variable scaled forward-backward algorithm for \(\ell_0\) optimization problem and its applications. (English) Zbl 07899573

Summary: In this paper, a two-metric variable scaled forward-backward algorithm is proposed to solve the nonconvex noncontinuous composite optimization problems with \(\ell_0\) regularization. We first explore using a class of locally Lipschitz scale folded concave functions to approach the \(\ell_0\). Then, a convex half-absolute method is proposed to precisely approximate these nonconvex nonsmooth functions. A double iterative algorithm is considered to solve the convex-relaxed composite optimization problems, where the inner iterative subproblem is solved using a well-designed two-metric variable scaled forward-backward algorithm. Specifically, while the variable metric in the forward step is derived by quasi-Newton methods, in the backward implicit step, however, the scaled matrix is chosen naturally derived by the inherent nonconvex properties of the established folded concave regularization function. The convergence of the proposed algorithm is analyzed, and the effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated by extensive numerical experiments, including sparse signal recovery, breast cancer data classification, and image restoration.


65-XX Numerical analysis
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