
Constraints on Randall-Sundrum model from top-antitop production at the LHC. (English) Zbl 1306.81388

Summary: We study the top pair production cross section at the LHC in the context of Randall-Sundrum model including the Kaluza-Klein (KK) excited gravitons. It is shown that the recent measurement of the cross section of this process at the LHC restricts the parameter space in Randall-Sundrum (RS) model considerably. We show that the coupling parameter \(\left( {\frac{k}{{{{\bar{M}}_{{Pl}}}}}} \right)\) is excluded by this measurement above 0.03 to 0.23 depending on the mass of first KK excited graviton (\(m_{1}\)). We also study the effect of KK excitations on the spin correlation of the top pairs. It is shown that the spin asymmetry in \(t\bar{t}\) events is sensitive to the RS model parameters with a reasonable choice of model parameters.


81V22 Unified quantum theories
81V05 Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics
83E15 Kaluza-Klein and other higher-dimensional theories
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field


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