
Two-point resistances in the generalized phenylenes. (English) Zbl 1448.78040

Summary: The resistance between two nodes in some electronic networks has been studied extensively. Let \(G_n\) be a generalized phenylene with \(n\) 6-cycles and \(n\) 4-cycles. Using series and parallel rules and the \(\Delta - Y\) transformations we obtain explicit formulae for the resistance distance between any two points of \(G_n\). To the best of our knowledge \(\{G_n\}_{n=1}^\infty\) is a nontrivial family with diameter going to \(\infty\) for which all resistance distances have been explicitly calculated. We also determine the maximal resistance distance and the minimal resistance distance in \(G_n\). The monotonicity and some asymptotic properties of resistance distances in \(G_n\) are given. At last some numerical results are discussed, in which we calculate the Kirchhoff indices of a set of benzenoid hydrocarbons; We compare their Kirchhoff indices with some other distance-based topological indices through their correlations with the chemical properties. The linear model for the Kirchhoff index is better than or as good as the models corresponding to the other distance-based indices.


78A57 Electrochemistry
78A55 Technical applications of optics and electromagnetic theory
78M35 Asymptotic analysis in optics and electromagnetic theory
05C12 Distance in graphs
05C09 Graphical indices (Wiener index, Zagreb index, Randić index, etc.)
05C10 Planar graphs; geometric and topological aspects of graph theory
05C90 Applications of graph theory


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